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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 2/2020 | S. 106-116 The following page is 106

Schutzzweck der Inhaltskontrolle von allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen

Individualschutz und Institutionenschutz als gleichberechtigte Grundpfeiler einer vertragstheoretischen und rechtsökonomischen Rechtfertigung

This article examines the reason for and justification of controlling the content of general terms and conditions by the legislator and the courts. Based on various individual and institutional protection concepts, it analyzes what the purpose of such content control can and actually should be. This contribution uses a legal theo­ry and law and economics research approach. The results of the analysis show that the two conceptual justifications, as well as the corresponding methodological approaches, are in fact mutually dependent and complementary. Moreover, from a legal theory and law and economics perspective, there are no compelling reasons suggesting that the economically liberal Swiss regulatory approach should give way to stronger government intervention.
