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Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland



Le monde évolue plus vite que le droit. L’entrée en vigueur de la « grande » réforme du droit des sociétés aurait pu laisser penser qu’une législation plus en phase avec son temps permettrait de stabiliser la pratique, et augmenterait sa prévisibilité. L’actualité montre cependant que tel n’est pas le cas. Pandémie, guerre, mouvements sociaux, évolutions technologiques  : les circonstances…
Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland, Prof. Dr. Urs Bertschinger
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | S. 271

Identification des actionnaires, restrictions de transfert et « white listings »

Identification of shareholders is a topic that is governed by various layers of rules under Swiss law, which were adopted at different times to serve different purposes. Most of these rules were adopted at a time when the structure of capital markets was very different from what it is today, and before the digitalization of securities became a topic. Also, growing focus on the fight against money…
Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland, lic. iur. Vincent Huynh Dac M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | S. 335


Eppur si muove! – die Aktienrechtsrevision bewegt sich, am 1. Januar 2023 ist es mit dem vollen Inkrafttreten soweit. Dem Schritt in die praktische Anwendung geht bereits vielfältige kritische Auseinandersetzung in der Lehre voraus. Der Beitrag von Urs Bertschinger setzt sich mit dem Auskunfts- und Einsichtsrecht des Aktionärs auseinander. Hier haben sich durch die Revision erhebliche Bewegungen…
Prof. Dr. iur. Urs Bertschinger, Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland
SZW-RSDA 3/2022 | S. 185

L’émission d’actions digitalisées comme moyen de financement de l’innovation et des PME

Switzerland is a world-leading nation in terms of entrepreneurship and promotion of innovation. Its universities produce a high number of start-ups. Its economy is based on a web of small and medium-sized companies, which make for the bulk of the country’s economic activity. Paradoxically though, the Swiss capital markets are relatively inefficient in channeling savings to companies. Only a…

Publicité des participations et principe de légalité – Mythe ou réalité ?

Instances in which non-compliance with financial regu­lations can give rise to a criminal liability are on the rise. This creates a tension between the need for flex­i­bility in the implementation of financial laws and the requirement that behaviours that may give rise to a criminal conviction be clearly defined by law. The rules on disclosure of shareholdings in listed companies are an example…