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Prof. em. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel


Richard A. Posner zum 80. Geburtstag (11. Januar 2019)

Idole findet man allenthalben in allen Sparten. Als ich vor vielen Jahren dank Eric Homburger in New York an der Columbia University als Visiting Scholar weilte, waren es die grossen amerikanischen Richter (etwa Holmes1 oder Brandeis: «Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants»2), die mich faszinierten. Dann konzentrierte sich aber eine jahrelange Aufmerksamkeit auf Richard A. Posner, den…
Prof. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 1/2019 | S. 93

Ursachen der Finanzkrise und seitherige Regulierungsentwicklung

A number of causes have triggered the crisis such as subprime mortgage loans in the US, the lack of regulation of derivatives and also remuneration systems which set wrong incentives. The crisis lead to the abolishment of the banking secrecy at the international level. It was replaced by the automatic exchange of information in tax matters which is now the standard. The crisis initiated the…
Prof. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 6/2018 | S. 588

Vertrauen – Begriffliche Grundlagen

In a philosophical tour d’horizon the abundance of con­ceptual foundations of trust is illuminated. Along with Charlie Chaplin and Vladimir Iljitsch Lenin, numerous other personalities have dealt with the term. In sociology, Niklas Luhmann described trust as a mechanism for reducing social complexity, as a function of faith without further review. In antiquity Aristotle’s trust was not only an…
Prof. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 6/2017 | S. 721

Stimmrechtsaktien und andere bevorzugte Aktien

There are many ways to grant privileges to specific categories of shareholders and one can distinguish between financial privileges and privileged voting rights in the general assembly of all shareholders. In future, this is to remain unchanged, and accordingly the November 2016 draft of Swiss Law on corporations does not propose any decisive modifications. With regards to the new rules for…
Prof. em. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 576

Risikobegriff in der Ökonomie und im Recht

Risks need to be recorded, measured and monitored. The story of risk has its roots in the calculation of likelihood and is closely connected to the insurance business. Shortly thereafter, regulation was added in. Nevertheless, the market economy system is based on risks and opportunities. It follows that the concept of risk in economics is largely quantitative and focussed on likelihood. In…
Prof. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 6/2016 | S. 551

Was heisst «Internationale Standards»?

International standards have become more and more important with and also through the globalisation of the financial markets. In consequence, they are most important in corporate law and in particular in the field of financial reporting, i.e. IFRS or US GAAP. This is not only true for Switzerland, but also for the European Union. International standards are often enacted by a panel of experts…
em. Prof. Dr. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 6/2015 | S. 556

The squeaky wheel gets (all) the grease: Wie weit soll und darf der Verwaltungsrat auf aktive Aktionäre eingehen?

Over the course of this enquiry, we shall examine whether the squeaky wheel does actually get all the grease and what this means for the modern public company. Art. 717 of the Swiss Code of Obligations states that shareholders are to be treated equally under equal conditions. However, said equality is not to be understood in absolute terms but has to be reasonable and justifiable with regard to…