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Entwicklungen im Bereich der vertikalen Wettbewerbsabreden in der Schweiz

The Swiss practice relating to vertical agreements in the past few years has been characterized by numerous authority and court decisions as well as legislative initiatives addressing outstanding (or even raising new) issues in the enforcement of Art. 4 (1) as well as Art. 5 (4) CartA (Federal Act on Cartels and other restraints of Competition). For instance, questions on the qualification of non…

Relative Marktmacht, Geoblocking und Digitalisierung

The rules on relative market power, recently introduced into Swiss competition law, generate far-reaching overlaps with the geo-blocking prohibition that took effect in parallel, as part of Swiss unfair competition law. This contribution analyses these overlaps, with a focus on the “shop like a local” principle which is also known from EU geo-blocking rules. Furthermore, the provision…
Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Georg Picht LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2022 | S. 315

Relative Marktmacht – gerichtliche Sicht

The amendment 2021 of the Swiss Federal Act on Cartels and other Restraints of Competition provides in the new article 4 section 2bis a concretizing definition of market power as follows: “An undertaking with relative market power is an undertaking on which other undertakings are dependent for the supply of or demand for goods or services in such a way that there are no adequate and reasonable…
Prof. Dr. iur. Alexander Brunner
SZW-RSDA 4/2022 | S. 326

Digital Markets Act – questions choisies

A few enterprises of important size, offering core online platform services, play a major role in the digital economy and, as such, exercise significant control over market access, leading to dependencies of their users and potentially to unfair behaviors. To apprehend and help preventing abuses, the European Commission has issued a new Regulation proposal, the “Digital Markets Act ”, applying to…

Revision des Kartellgesetzes: Braucht die Schweiz neue Schwellenwerte oder einen Systemwechsel im Fusionskontrollrecht?

The Swiss merger control is under review. The draft for a partial revision of the Cartels Act proposes the transition from the Swiss dominance test to the internationally recognized SIEC test. This is to be welcomed. More significant in practice, however, are the disproportionately high thresholds for merger reviews in Switzerland. The following article recommends examining whether, in…

Wissen, Nichtwissen und Wissenmüssen von natürlichen und juristischen Personen

Many statutory or contractual provisions’ legal con­sequences depend on whether the addressee knew or should have known a fact. Thus, the question of what natural or legal persons know is of paramount im­por­tance. This paper defines the three key terms “knowledge”, “lack of knowledge”, and “knowledge that one should have had”. Also, it examines under which conditions a third party’s knowledge…
Dr. iur. Markus Vischer LL.M., Dr. iur. Dario Galli LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2022 | S. 361

Digitale Generalversammlungen und Verwaltungsratssitzungen

The 19 June 2020 revision of the provisions on the limited by shares company contains various facilitations for the use of technical means in the conduct of general meetings and board meetings. What are the concrete options available and what are the practical implications of these innovations? What do banks need to consider from a prudential perspective? After an overview of the digitization in…
Prof. Dr. iur. Nina Reiser LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2022 | S. 401

Protokollierung von GV- und VR-Beschlüssen als Gültigkeitsform

The «new» corporation law provides for some new and overall numerous ways to conduct shareholders’ and board meetings. Irrespective of the way they are conducted there is a duty to minute the meetings. Contrary to the traditional opinion the minutes are a validity requirement. Not minuted shareholders’ and board resolutions are therefore not valid and null and void.

Aktienrechtsrevision und Handelsregister

The biggest change in registration is probably the move away from registration as an anti-proxy transaction by introducing various proxy options. With the revision of stock corporation law, the documentary evidence principle was retained in principle. Pursuant to Art. 937 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, the Commercial Registry Office must verify, both at the time of incorporation and in the…
Dr. iur. Clemens Meisterhans
SZW-RSDA 5/2022 | S. 430

Neues Aktienrecht als Inspiration für den Gläubigerschutz bei Umstrukturierungen

What is the adequate level of creditor protection in corporate restructurings? The present article sheds a critical light on the current creditor protection provisions in the Swiss Merger Act and proposes, inspired by provisions of the new Swiss Stock Corporation Act, a partial reform of the Swiss Merger Act.