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Missmanagement im Bankensektor und die FINMA-Gewährsprüfung

This article addresses the following questions: Can the fitness and propriety audit of bank managers deliver what it promises? How could the fitness and propriety audit be improved within the framework of the existing legal basis or, if necessary, by means of new or adapted regulations? The tension between FINMA’s supervisory procedure on the one hand and criminal proceedings on the other hand…
Prof. Dr. iur. Nina Reiser LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2022 | S. 543

Neuerungen und offene Fragen der revidierten Geldwäschereivorschriften im Bereich des Nachmeldeverhaltens von Finanzintermediären

The current revision of the anti-money laundering provisions introduces changes in the area referred to as subsequent reporting that have not undergone much examination thus far. However, these changes also have significant implications for financial intermediaries: With the removal of the time limit for analysis, the maximum time limit for executing client orders following a suspicious activity…

Das Finanzmarktaufsichtsrecht vom vierten Quartal 2021 bis ins vierte Quartal 2022

Ohne Vertrauen keine funktionsfähige Gemeinschaft! Was für Staat und Gesellschaft gilt, gilt auch für Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeitende auf allen Stufen. Das unternehmensinterne Kontrollumfeld trägt diesem Umstand Rechnung, was sich in einer angemessenen Breite und Tiefe der Kontrollen ausdrücken muss, ohne die Mitarbeitenden auf Schritt und Tritt zu überwachen. Die Enttäuschung von…

Fairnessregeln für Mitarbeiterbefragungen in internen Untersuchungen bei Banken

Internal investigations are the appropriate instrument for banks to clarify misconduct within the company. Like other companies, they are obliged to this «catharsis». The core element of internal investigations are the so-called «employee interviews». These interviews can represent a conflict situation for the company em­ployees. In principle, there is a duty to cooperate and to tell the truth…

Haftung für automatisierte Entscheidungen – Herausforderungen in der Praxis

It is now technically possible for decisions to be made by autonomous means without any human involvement. The ability of automated decision making systems to act increasingly autonomously poses new challenges to the current legal framework. For example, in addition to contractual and non-contractual liability bases, proposals are being made for liability under the Swiss Product Liability Act or…
Clara-Ann Gordon LL.M., Tanja Lutz MLaw, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2020 | S. 53


Banking and financial markets and services are the common topic of all but one of the papers published in this Spring issue of the Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law. Once again, we look at it from a diversity of angles: contracts, supervision and enforcement, employment law, personal data, criminal procedure, and taxation. There is poetry in this “inventaire à la Prévert”1
Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz, Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2020 | S. 97

Mise sous scellés et infractions financières: développements récents

The sealing of evidence is a procedural tool of great relevance, notably in the context of economic offences. The case law on this measure is important and sometimes uncertain. This is especially true in administrative criminal law: the practical importance of this area of law has been steadily increasing these past years while its procedural provisions appear to be outdated. This paper deals…

Blanchiment d’argent: la banque face au risque pénal

This paper focuses on the main issues regarding the criminal liability of a bank for money laundering from a practical perspective. Substantive law as well as procedural aspects are considered. After an update on the practice of the criminal justice authorities, we examine the circle of agents able to trigger the liability of the ­corporation, notably in situations of outsourcing. Then,…

Digitalisation dans le domaine bancaire et aperçu des risques juridiques

There is today a strong trend towards digitization in the banking sector in line with the constant development of new technologies. Swiss legislation authorizes online bank account opening processes and can be seen as pretty liberal in terms of reception and recording of banking documentation in electronic form. In this context, Swiss banks may be interested to evaluate the feasibility of, and…
Tarek Houdrouge LL.M., Grégoire Tribolet LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2018 | S. 147

Strafprozessuale Kontosperren bei ausstehenden Lombardkrediten – Ein Problem für die kreditgebende Bank

Lombard credits are a widespread financial instrument. They may however lead to problems for the lender, usually a bank, if the assets pledged as a security for the loan become the subject of a seizure by criminal authorities. A seizure renders it impossible for the bank to realize the assets if the borrower is in default with repayment obligations. In order to have the seizure lifted, the bank…