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Les articles du présent cahier sont consacrés à la digitalisation et l’innovation sous leurs multiples facettes. La variété des thèmes abordés reflète le caractère transversal des questions juridiques pertinentes. En ce qui concerne les domaines du droit, les contributions portent sur des aspects de droit bancaire et financier aussi bien que de droit des contrats, de la responsabilité civile, de…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Cornelia Stengel, Prof. Dr. iur. Florent Thouvenin
SZW-RSDA 1/2022 | S. 1

Kooperationsformen zwischen Banken und Drittanbietern aus vertrags- und datenschutzrechtlicher Perspektive

Open Banking or Open Finance essentially means the exchange of financial data between different financial service providers including third party providers at the request of the customer. From a civil liability and data protection perspective this paper examines the legal relationships between banks, third party providers, platforms and customers on the basis of four possible «model forms of…
Prof. Dr. iur. Cornelia Stengel, Elena Rüegg MLaw, Dr. iur. Jessica Kim Sommer, Luca Stäuble MLaw, Benedikt Freund MLaw
SZW-RSDA 1/2022 | S. 14

Do Robots Rule Wealth Management? A Brief Legal Analysis of Robo-Advisors

What are the legal duties of robo-advisors in Switzerland? In this article, we focus on the legal framework arising from Swiss financial market law, contract law and data protection law. We also make a comparison with European law. We first explain how robo-advisors work and conclude that, contrary to what their name may suggest, they are primarily portfolio managers. As financial service providers…

Questions de responsabilité civile et contractuelle soulevées par la distribution de „logiciels libres“ (open source)

Since the 1980s, the free and open software («FOSS») movement promotes the open exchange of software and of its source code to disrupt the limitations brought upon by the copyrightability of software. The recent emergence of public repositories such as GitHub has however impacted the distribution model of FOSS software – as many of them can now be downloaded and operated freely by their users,…


As we publish this issue of the Swiss Review of Business and Financial Markets Law, war is raging in Europe. On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. There are no words that do justice to this tragedy and to the immense toll inflicted on the Ukrainian people. Whether the actions of many of the world’s democracies constitute an adequate reaction is a question that holds no certain answer…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz
SZW-RSDA 2/2022 | S. 101

Vergütung der Rechenschaft über Retrozessionen

Based on Art. 400 para. 1 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, financial service providers must inform their clients if they receive payments or other benefits from third parties in connection with their client-related services (so-called inducements, kickbacks, or retrocessions). This article analyzes to what extent and under which conditions financial service providers can charge additional fees…

Le droit bancaire privé suisse 2021 / Das schweizerische Bankprivatrecht 2021

Au moment où nous écrivons ces lignes, la Russie envahit l’Ukraine. L’Union européenne et les États-Unis ont adopté de nouvelles sanctions contre plusieurs centaines de personnalités liées au régime de Moscou. Rompant avec sa tradition de neutralité, la Suisse s’est résolue après une courte hésitation à geler les avoirs de personnalités et de sociétés liées au régime de Moscou. L’ordonnance du 27…
Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz, Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Célian Hirsch MLaw, Dr. iur. Fabien Liégeois LL.M., Martina Reber MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2022 | S. 140

Relationship Agreements zwischen Vertragsfreiheit und zwingendem Aktienrecht

Relationship agreements between listed companies and large shareholders have gained in popularity over the past years. Relationship agreements cover such topics as the shareholder’s representation on the board of directors, voting at shareholder meetings, the shareholder’s right to receive information from the company, and exit provisions (e.g., lock-up and standstill undertakings). From the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Daniel M. Häusermann LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2022 | S. 241

Wissen, Nichtwissen und Wissenmüssen von natürlichen und juristischen Personen

Many statutory or contractual provisions’ legal con­sequences depend on whether the addressee knew or should have known a fact. Thus, the question of what natural or legal persons know is of paramount im­por­tance. This paper defines the three key terms “knowledge”, “lack of knowledge”, and “knowledge that one should have had”. Also, it examines under which conditions a third party’s knowledge…
Dr. iur. Markus Vischer LL.M., Dr. iur. Dario Galli LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2022 | S. 361