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As we publish this issue of the Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law, the banking world has taken a dramatic turn: Credit Suisse saw the end of a 167-year-old history, as it was humbled into a merger with UBS, the other Swiss banking giant and one of its fiercest competitors. The marriage was strongly encouraged by the Swiss authorities who, by emergency legislation, provided…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz
SZW-RSDA 2/2023 | S. 119

Berücksichtigung von ESG-Präferenzen im Finanzdienstleistungs­geschäft

On 1 January 2023, the Swiss Bankers Association’s «Guidelines for the financial service providers on the integration of ESG-preferences and ESG-risks into investment advice and portfolio management» entered into force. This marks the first binding Swiss (self-)regulation on Sustainable Finance at the point of sale. One of the key amendments includes the financial service providers’ duty to…
Dr. iur. Lukas Fahrländer, Dr. iur. David Jost
SZW-RSDA 2/2023 | S. 120

Das Supervisory Privilege für Akten aus dem Aufsichtsverhältnis

The Swiss Supervisory Privilege, which was added to FINMASA in 2016, is a new legal institution. It empowers FINMA to protect documents from the supervisory relationship between a supervised entity and itself by prohibiting their disclosure to third-party authorities and other third parties without FINMA’s consent if there are grounds for doing so that are particularly worthy of protection…

Le dommage d’investissement et sa preuve

Many civil claims against financial advisers and portfolio managers fail because they do not meet the high threshold set out by Swiss courts for the allegation and proof of the claimant’s loss. This article critically reviews the extensive case law on the topic. We submit that unauthorized financial transactions are distinct from other defective transactions. Following long-established case law…
Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz, Célian Hirsch MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2023 | S. 166

La banque et le créancier prêteur face à l’insolvabilité de l’emprunteur : moyens préventifs et curatifs

In a contractual relationship, a bank, or more generally a lender, on the one hand, and a borrower on the other, harmoniously blend, as long as the borrower complies with the repayments’ obligations arising from the loan agreement. However, in such an agreement, risk lies primarily on the lender. Indeed, as soon as the money has been made available, the lender takes the default’s risk. This…

Darf die Nationalbank kryptobasierte Sichtguthaben (wCBDC) ausgeben?

This article examines whether the current monetary law provisions permit the issuance of wholesale central bank digital currency (wCBDC) by the Swiss National Bank. After interpreting the relevant competence provisions, the question can in principle be answered in the affirmative, since wCBDC is not a new, third type of central bank money (in addition to banknotes and traditional sight deposits),…
Prof. Dr. Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht
SZW-RSDA 2/2023 | S. 214

Das schweizerische Bankprivatrecht 2022 | Le droit bancaire privé suisse 2022

Die Rechtsprechung zum privaten Bankrecht skizziert jeweils die neusten Entwicklungen in der richterlichen Rechtsfortbildung. Tatsächlich führen uns viele Entscheide aber auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit: Die rechtskräftige Beurteilung der privatrechtlichen Nachwehen von Finanzskandalen, Krisen und geopolitischen Turbulenzen lassen meist viele Jahre auf sich warten. Weit zurück liegt etwa der…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz, Philipp Bürgi, Dr. iur. Fabien Liégeois LL.M., Teymour Brander
SZW-RSDA 2/2023 | S. 231


Le monde évolue plus vite que le droit. L’entrée en vigueur de la « grande » réforme du droit des sociétés aurait pu laisser penser qu’une législation plus en phase avec son temps permettrait de stabiliser la pratique, et augmenterait sa prévisibilité. L’actualité montre cependant que tel n’est pas le cas. Pandémie, guerre, mouvements sociaux, évolutions technologiques  : les circonstances…
Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland, Prof. Dr. Urs Bertschinger
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | S. 271