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Exception de l’entreprise défaillante: une résurgence en temps de crise?

The Failing Company Defence is a merger control law defence which enables the merging parties to avoid the prohibition that would normally apply to their merger by relying on the failure of one of them, i.e. the fact that one of the merging firms would exit the market if the merger was prohibited. Competition authorities generally require the fulfilment of restrictive conditions and hence rarely…

L’application du droit des marchés publics à l’approvisionnement en électricité

In March 2021, the Competition Commission issued a recommendation pertaining to the application of public procurement law and the Federal Internal Market Act to the procurement of electricity. The purpose of this recommendation was to examine in which cases the purchase of electricity must be subject to public tenders; it clarified that public procurement law may apply in several instances to…

Sustainable Purpose-Driven Enterprises

Social enterprises (in a broad sense), including those launched by social (or sustainable) entrepreneurs (or Sustainable Purpose-Driven Entities) are important players to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Developing a legal framework that allows them to prosper has been a priority of the European Commission since 2010. These entities have recently been endorsed by the United…
Dr. iur. Giulia Neri-Castracane
SZW-RSDA 4/2023 | S. 416

Clauses de modification unilatérale des conditions générales des banques

The use of General Terms and Conditions (GTC) is essential for the rational management of banking business – to the benefit of both banks and their customers. Over the often lengthy duration of a banking relationship, it is also important that these GTC can be adapted. In general, a change to the GTC is a change to the contract and should be made in accordance with the general rules. Swiss law,…
Johannes Landbrecht, Dr. iur. Joël Leibenson LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2023 | S. 431

Wirksame Krisenverhinderung? Das UK Senior Managers Regime und der Archegos-Skandal

The Archegos scandal, which resulted in Credit Suisse incurring losses exceeding CHF 5 billion, stands out as one of the most significant of the many scandals linked to the bank in recent years. It shines a light on financial sector misconduct and underscores the need for stronger individual accountability. Many of the weaknesses in the corporate governance system of the bank which lead up to…

The Normative Effects of ESG Expectations on Companies and their Directors

Most companies face a growing number of environmental, social and governance (ESG) expectations arising not only from their shareholders, but also from a wide array of stakeholders such as clients, investors, States, financial institutions and not-for-profit organisations. Even though a significant number of these expectations are not imposed by hard or soft law, they cannot be disregarded in…
Prof. Henry Peter, Prof. Aurélien Rocher
SZW-RSDA 4/2023 | S. 453

Börsenrechtliche Meldepflicht nach Art. 120 FinfraG bei kollektiven Kapitalanlagen

Die Gesellschaft A. (Gesuchstellerin, Beschwerdeführerin 1) mit Sitz in den USA und ihre Tochtergesellschaften sind in der Vermögensverwaltung sowie in der Schaffung und im Vertrieb von kollektiven Kapitalanlagen (nachfolgend auch: Anlagefonds) in verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen tätig. Bei B. (Gesuchstellerin, Beschwerdeführerin 2) mit Sitz in Kanada handelt es sich um die Holdinggesellschaft einer…
Prof. Dr. Nina Reiser LL.M., Yannis Tobler BLE
SZW-RSDA 4/2023 | S. 489

Haftung einer Bank für Geldwäscherei durch Unterlassungen von Angestellten

Der unabhängige Vermögensverwalter X. unterhielt zwei Konten bei der Bank A. SA, die gemäss seinen Angaben für Kommissionen aus seiner Berufstätigkeit und nicht für Kundengelder bestimmt waren. Tatsächlich gingen darauf aber diverse Zahlungen von Dritten mit Vermerken wie «par­ti­cipation», «placement», «virement» oder «investisse­ment» ein. Diese Hinweise wären für den Kunden­betreuer nur…


Die Revision des Aktienrechts ist auf den 1. Januar 2023 in Kraft getreten. Im vorliegenden Heft werden verschiedene Kernthemen der Revision aufgegriffen, so etwa die statutarischen Schiedsklauseln, das aktienrechtliche Informationskonzept und das Kapitalband. Ferner werden die Neuerungen des Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance dargestellt sowie auf Theorie und Praxis des…
Karin Müller, Markus Vischer
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | S. 513