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Droit du travail

Das Finanzmarktaufsichtsrecht vom vierten Quartal 2022 bis ins vierte Quartal 2023

Ob gross oder klein, vor den Marktkräften sind sie alle gleich! Auch die ganz Grossen – «global systemically important financial institutions» (G-SIFIs)1 – können straucheln, mit viel Getöse, es wird im Falle der Credit Suisse Gruppe noch lange nachhallen, sei es in regulatorischen Diskussionen, sei es in Rechtsstreitigkeiten, die im Nachgang zur Rettung der Credit Suisse Gruppe durch die…

Insichgeschäfte von Mitgliedern des Verwaltungsrates

Die börsenkotierte Z. AG (Beschwerdegegnerin) hält in ihren Statuten fest, dass der Verwaltungsrat aus drei oder mehr Mitgliedern besteht. Dieser kann die Geschäftsführung nach Massgabe des Organisationsreglements an Mitglieder oder Dritte delegieren. Er kann auch die Vertretungsbefugnis an Mitglieder oder Dritte delegieren.1
Dr. iur. Thomas Alexander Steininger
SZW-RSDA 5/2022 | p. 499

Das schweizerische Bankprivatrecht 2020 | Le droit bancaire privé suisse 2020

Das Jahr 2020 war in vielerlei Hinsicht aussergewöhnlich. Demgegenüber bewegen sich die Entscheide zum privaten Bankrecht, die in diesem Jahr gefällt wurden, zu einem Grossteil im Rahmen des Gewohnten. Die Leserinnen und Leser erwarten viele altbekannte Themen wie die SED-Gelder, die Garantiestrenge und die Retrozessionen. Allerdings wäre 2020 nicht 2020, wenn es nicht auch im privaten Bankrecht…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz, Martina Reber MLaw, Célian Hirsch MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2021 | p. 192

Regulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz für FinTech-Anwendungen

New methods of artificial intelligence represent one of the greatest promises and most prospective developments of digitalisation. Artificial intelligence has already enabled numerous innovative applications in the areas of image recognition, medicine, language and mobility, and it is also increasingly being used in the financial market, on which this article focuses. In addition to great…
Prof. Dr. iur. Cornelia Stengel, Gino Wirthensohn MLaw, Luca Stäuble MLaw
SZW-RSDA 4/2021 | p. 395

Fairnessregeln für Mitarbeiterbefragungen in internen Untersuchungen bei Banken

Internal investigations are the appropriate instrument for banks to clarify misconduct within the company. Like other companies, they are obliged to this «catharsis». The core element of internal investigations are the so-called «employee interviews». These interviews can represent a conflict situation for the company em­ployees. In principle, there is a duty to cooperate and to tell the truth…

Salärgovernance und neues Aktienrecht

In determining the compensation of directors and top management, the board of directors of public companies is faced with a structural conflict of interest. The aim to mitigate this conflict through an appropriate design of the procedure forms the essence of the say-on-pay rules introduced by the Swiss electorate in a public vote in 2013 and implemented on a transitional basis in the Ordinance…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Bruno Mahler MLaw
SZW-RSDA 5/2021 | p. 541


Banking and financial markets and services are the common topic of all but one of the papers published in this Spring issue of the Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law. Once again, we look at it from a diversity of angles: contracts, supervision and enforcement, employment law, personal data, criminal procedure, and taxation. There is poetry in this “inventaire à la Prévert”1
Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz, Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2020 | p. 97

La fin des rapports de travail du banquier : concurrence et bonus

The end of the banker’s working relationship is sometimes conflicting. The sticking points generally concern non-competition clauses and the payment of bonuses. The purpose of this article is to set out the rules applicable in this area in a way that both presents the legal principles and promotes practical solutions. In particular, the possibility of imposing a non-competition clause on the…

Enquêtes internes et secret professionnel de l’avocat

The Federal Court recently rendered two decisions on the issue of the protection of the lawyer’s professional secrecy within the context of internal inquiries. These decisions represent an important step, since there were contradictory opinions in legal writings on the issue of whether lawyers’ participation in internal inquiries should be regarded as a typical activity, and consequently covered…

Corporate Internal Investigations under Swiss Law: Information Gathering and Employee Interviews

The information gathering and review phase is fundamental to every corporate internal investigation. It forms the factual basis for the final report and legal considerations at a later stage of the investigation and provides evidence which might become relevant in a later civil, regulatory or criminal proceeding. It is therefore crucial that the data collection and interview phase is conducted in…