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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 6/2017 | p. 721-731 The following page is 721

Vertrauen – Begriffliche Grundlagen

In a philosophical tour d’horizon the abundance of con­ceptual foundations of trust is illuminated. Along with Charlie Chaplin and Vladimir Iljitsch Lenin, numerous other personalities have dealt with the term. In sociology, Niklas Luhmann described trust as a mechanism for reducing social complexity, as a function of faith without further review. In antiquity Aristotle’s trust was not only an essential part of friendship, but also political structure (polis), which is why a dictatorship only exists under the conditions of anonymity and mistrust. Thomas von Aquin described trust as the force of hope (robur spei). Cicero formulated the famous sentence that trust is the foundation of justice. In economics, Francis Fukuyama noted that trust is the essence of social capital, which is the reason why capitalism and democracy are so closely related. Frank Pasquale dealt with digitalization and remained critical: «You can not form a trusting relationship with a black box». In jurisprud…
