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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 6/2017 | p. 732-742 The following page is 732

Vertrauen im Finanzmarktrecht aus öffentlich-rechtlicher Sicht

Legitimate expectations play a major role in Swiss Administrative Law. The protection of legitimate expectations is a constitutional right and therefore, applies to all areas of Swiss Administrative Law. The Swiss Finan­cial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) may create such expectations by administrative acts, rulings and its various forms of communication. FINMA is conceivably bound to its communications on its webpage, despite a general disclaimer. By contrast, the protection of legitimate expectations is relatively weak towards the legislator. Still, the legislator must provide for a reasonable transitional period if changing the law affects legitimate expectations. Finally, there is a notable tendency to more detailed regulations within the Swiss Financial Market Law, which may be understood as a sign for distrust.
