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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 3/2018 | p. 253-265 The following page is 253

Funktion(en) des Aktienrechts – vom Organisationsrecht zum Katalysator der Gesellschaftspolitik?

Swiss Corporate Law (Articles 620 et seq. of the Swiss Code of Obligations) is undergoing permanent changes since the 19th century. Originally, these articles provided the legal basis for structuring and organizing corporations in the most efficient way – not more; therefore, the main focus was placed on protection of investors (i.e. the legal protection for both shareholders and creditors). Over the last few years, there has been a shift towards «soft elements» of corporate law, in parti­cular, Corporate Social Responsiblity. Following international trends, the Swiss legislature will soon discuss further «soft elements» in this regard, for instance, ­gender diversity among boards and managers of corporations.
