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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | p. 176-185 The following page is 176

Le fonds de placement contractuel immobilier et la Lex Koller

This contribution discusses the treatment of Swiss real estate funds under the Lex Koller. It explains that for­eigners (in the meaning of Lex Koller) may acquire fund’s units and/or shares or participation certificates in the capital of the fund management company (up to full holding) without a Lex Koller authorization. The analysis takes into account the consequences of such purchases on future possibilities for the fund management company to purchase residential real estate assets (for the benefit of the fund). It explains that the fund management company does not qualify as a real estate company and that the proof that the (delegated) management is in non-foreign hands is sufficient to qualify the fund as Swiss (in the meaning of Lex Koller).
