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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 6/2020 | p. 604-617 The following page is 604

Daten-Governance und Cloud Banking im neuen Datenschutzrechtsumfeld

Banking is a data-sensitive business. With the adoption of the new Data Protection Act the data protection level will also be increased in Switzerland, amongst others in the data security context. Banks, often using cloud services for efficiency reasons, will have to adapt their data governance framework in the near future: Data processing and storing must meet the data protection and data security standards already required on the EU level since May 2018 equally in the home markets. However, the new legal environment does not seem to cause unsurmountable tensions; some additional mea­sures need to be implemented but the overall situation does not change substantially. Additional efforts are mainly advisable in the drafting of the outsourcing agreements (for example revision of standard clauses) and in the compliance organization of the bank.
