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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 6/2022 | p. 586-605 The following page is 586


Haftungsrisiken und Handlungsbedarf für Schweizer Unternehmen

Climate litigation against companies has increased significantly in the past couple of years, not only in the United States, but also in Europe. At the same time, regulation with respect to climate change is developing rapidly, such that it may be difficult for companies to identify which laws apply to them and how they should address the legal risks relating to climate change and climate litigation. This article first provides a high-level overview of the climate regulation relevant for Swiss companies. It then discusses some court rulings which could be considered “landmark cases” since they are the first to assess questions around the responsibility for climate-related damages and the curbing of CO2 emissions, and highlights climate litigation proceedings that are still pending, illustrating the types of claims which might be expected going forward. In a third part, this article analyzes the risks for Swiss companies to be sued under Swiss laws for alleged damages related to…
