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Aide à la recherche

Recherche d’arrêts et d’articles de loi

La recherche rapide permet non seulement de retrouver des termes dans tous les contenus, mais elle reconnaît aussi les citations importantes (les décisions non publiées ou publiées du Tribunal fédéral, du Tribunal administratif fédéral et du Tribunal pénal fédéral ainsi que des’articles de loi issus du Recueil systématique du droit fédéral). Saisissez dans le champ de recherche la décision recherchée ou l’article recherché et cliquez sur la loupe. L’outil de recherche reconnaît par exemple les décisions non publiées du Tribunal fédéral (par ex. : arrêt du TF 6B_115/2017) ou les décisions du Tribunal fédéral publiées officiellement (par ex. : ATF 142 I 177), ainsi que les articles de loi (par ex. : art. 716a CO) et vous fournit une liste de résultats précise.

Recherche avec des opérateurs

Si vous placez les termes de recherche entre guillemets, seuls les résultats affichant les mots indiqués dans cet ordre précis seront proposés.
Par ex. : "la prestation de travail fournie par l’employé n’est que partiellement" --> permettra de trouver exactement cette partie de phrase dans la base de donn'ees.
Afin de trouver un arrêt précis et/ou un article de loi précis, veuillez toujours employer l’opérateur de recherche "...".
Par ex. : "1C_144/2017"   ou   "Art. 12 CC" --> trouvera exactement cet arrêt / cet article de loi.
AND, && 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats qui contiennent tous les termes de recherche choisis et qui sont reliés par l’opérateur (AND, &&).
Par ex. : droit AND ordre ou droit && ordre
OR, || 
Permet d'obtenir tous les résultats comprenant au moins un terme de recherche lié à (OR, ||).
Par ex .: droit OR ordre ou droit || ordre
NOT, - 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats comprenant le(s) terme(s) de recherche SANS le(s) terme(s) qui sui(ven)t l’opérateur (NOT, -).
Par ex. : droit NOT ordre ou droit - ordre
Permet de rechercher différents termes avec une lettre variable située à l’endroit du point d’interrogation.
Par ex.: m?t  --> permet de trouver : mot, met, mit, etc.
Permet de rechercher des mots comprenant une quelconque combinaison de lettres situées à l’endroit de l’astérisque.
Par ex. : *anwalt  --> permet de trouver : Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, ...; Aktien* --> trouvera Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, ...; *etter  --> trouvera Hofstetter, letter, etc.

Résultats de recherche pour Association

22 résultats trouvés

Votre choix

Echtzeitbankenaufsicht – la panacée?

In recent years, the concept of data-based banking supervision has evolved to influence the dynamics between supervisors and supervised institutions. This de­ve­lopment, if accompanied by adequate implementation, undoubtedly improves the quality of banking supervision. However, data-based supervision does not automatically lead to real-time supervision. While it tends to reduce the time lag…
Dr. iur. Annemarie Nussbaumer, Dr. iur. Alain Girard
SZW-RSDA 1/2023 | p. 3

Innovation in Pharmaceutical Mergers: Looking for a Miracle Cure?

The European Commission’s approach to analysing the negative effects of a merger on competition has recently changed. Whereas for years, competition authorities have mainly focused on the effects of a merger on prices, the impact on output, or the creation or strengthening of a dominant position in a given market, they are now examining the effects of a merger on innovation. The analysis of the…

Do Robots Rule Wealth Management? A Brief Legal Analysis of Robo-Advisors

What are the legal duties of robo-advisors in Switzerland? In this article, we focus on the legal framework arising from Swiss financial market law, contract law and data protection law. We also make a comparison with European law. We first explain how robo-advisors work and conclude that, contrary to what their name may suggest, they are primarily portfolio managers. As financial service providers…

Le rôle du représentant indépendant des actionnaires en droit suisse de la société anonyme, notamment à l’aune de la législation COVID et des assemblées générales virtuelles du nouveau droit

The independent proxy emerged in Swiss company law a few years ago through the back door of the Minder initiative (Article 95 Federal Constitution). This constitutional provision was then implemented by the Ordinance against Excessive Remuneration in Listed Companies Limited by Shares (ORAb), which has been in force since 1 January 2014. Its institution has been given a new lease of life with the…

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Obviously, steps taken by certain companies in the media sector trigger reactions from competitors in this dynamic environment which is constantly changing as a result of the digital revolution. Interestingly, Comco faced at the same time two transactions (AZ Medien/NZZ and Tamedia/Basler Zeitung) which had to be assessed in light of each other from the perspective of collective dominance:90
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. iur. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2020 | p. 73

Auf dem Weg zu einer digitalen Wettbewerbsordnung – Reaktionen des deutschen Gesetzgebers

Germany changed the Act against Restraints of Competition in 2017, partly in order to give a regulatory answer to the changes of the digital economy. The legislator answered to multi-sided markets with network effects, data-driven business models and the rise of «super platforms». Reforms related to the definition of market and the criteria for market power. A new merger threshold was introduced…

Algorithmen als Anlass für einen neuen Absprachebegriff?

Traditionally, cartels are concluded between natural persons whose behaviour then is imputed to the firms they are acting for. How shall we assess restrictions of competition emanating not from humans, but from algorithms? Long-established definitions of agreements as «concurrence of wills» or «meeting of the minds» do not fit well to the output of machines. Therefore, competition law is…

La digitalisation du point de vue des consommatrices et consommateurs

Digitalization from the consumer’s point of view can take several forms. Sharing economy, social networks, e-commerce: the digital world for consumers is a vast planet whose various aspects have to be understandable. And consumers cannot be summarized in only one category. This rapid development implies that our legislation must be adapted without hindering the ­dynamism of these markets…

Numérisation et registre du commerce

From the point of view of the competent authorities, paperless keeping of the commercial registry has long been a reality. All necessary tools for electronic filing by the users also exist. However, such form of communication remains optional, and experience shows that paper filings remain the norm. In the absence of a statutory obligation, the situation is not likely to change until innovative,…
Prof. Dr. iur. Edgar Philippin
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | p. 21


Nicht nur der Europäische Gerichtshof («EuGH»), sondern auch der Unionsgesetzgeber hat sich kürzlich mit den Spezialregeln des Unionsrechts beschäftigt, die in Abweichung vom allgemeinen Kartellrecht für all diejenigen Unternehmen gelten sollen, die als Landwirte, Verarbeiter oder Handelsunternehmen im Agrarsektor im Sinne der Art. 39 ff. AEUV tätig sind:
Prof. Dr. iur. Thomas Lübbig, Miriam le Bell LL.M., Dr. iur. Christian Pitschas LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | p. 67

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. The above title might raise a few eyebrows. What is the relationship between the Coty case, which was decided at the end of 2017 by the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”),1 and the Gaba2 and BMW3 judgments handed down the same year by the Federal Tribunal? In addition to the fact that these three cases deal with vertical agreements, the first interesting point of comparison is that the ECJ…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. iur. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | p. 73

Streaming et linking : la neutralité technologique du droit d’auteur est-elle assurée ?

According to the author of this article, the « technological neutrality » of authors’ rights derives from the principle of equality enshrined in Article 8(1) of the Federal Constitution. Existing legislation is sufficient to secure such neutrality in terms of streaming and hyperlinks. But Swiss courts should refrain from blindly following the case law of the European Court of Justice in…

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. «Wettbewerbskomplexität»! After reading the 347-page long judgment handed down by the Federal Administrative Tribunal in the Swisscom ADSL price strategy case,1 one can only agree with the expression used by the court in its decision.2 Although an appeal before the Federal Tribunal is pending, we must emphasize the high quality of this judgment and, in particular, its clarity and educational…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2017 | p. 102

Rechtsvergleichende Überlegungen zur Business Judgment Rule

The famous business judgment rule (BJR) that emerged in the US in the early nineteenth century, has been adopted in recent years, in one form or another, by several jurisdictions in Europe. This article provides a comparative analysis of the different models of the BJR and its basic elements and rationales in the US, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The article outlines how the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. rer. pol. h.c Carl Baudenbacher, Mag. iur. Lisa Schwarz
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | p. 55


Mit Urteilen vom 16. Dezember 2015 (Rs. T-9/11 u.a.) hat das Gericht der Europäischen Union (nachfolgend auch: «EuG») den Beschluss der Europäischen Kommission im so genannten Luftfracht-Kartellverfahren für nichtig erklärt, soweit er das jeweils klagende Unternehmen betraf.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lübbig, Miriam le Bell LL.M., Dr. Christian Pitschas LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | p. 84

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. The Competition Commission1 adopted new organizational rules (“OrgReg”).2 It would go beyond the scope of this chronicle to comment each and every provision. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that the 2015 rules take into account the evolution of the tasks and functions attributed to the authority over the past 20 years; in fact, it is quite amazing that this text did not need any…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet, Dr. iur. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | p. 89

La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (Convention EDH) et les sociétés commerciales

It seems surprising, even paradoxical, that internatio­nal instruments protecting human rights such as the European Convention on Human rights (ECHR) also apply to trading companies. They are intended to protect human beings, not to legal persons, a legal fiction. Nevertheless, the Universal Declaration of Human rights, for instance, and the European Convention itself proclaim rights that are not…

Standing and Passing-on in the New EU Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions

This article critically evaluates private enforcement of the competition rules in Switzerland and compares them to recent developments at EU level, particularly regarding indirect purchaser standing and the passing-on defence. The article addresses the question of whether, and under what conditions, the new EU Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions, along with the Recommendation on Common…

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. An in-depth reform of the Federal Law on Cartels and Other Competition Restraints1 should not be expected any time soon. On 17 September 2014, the National Council confirmed its decision of non-consideration, which, in accordance with Swiss parliamentary procedure, led to the closing of a long legislative process that started during the winter 2006/2007 with the mission entrusted to an expert…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2015 | p. 42