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Recherche d’arrêts et d’articles de loi

La recherche rapide permet non seulement de retrouver des termes dans tous les contenus, mais elle reconnaît aussi les citations importantes (les décisions non publiées ou publiées du Tribunal fédéral, du Tribunal administratif fédéral et du Tribunal pénal fédéral ainsi que des’articles de loi issus du Recueil systématique du droit fédéral). Saisissez dans le champ de recherche la décision recherchée ou l’article recherché et cliquez sur la loupe. L’outil de recherche reconnaît par exemple les décisions non publiées du Tribunal fédéral (par ex. : arrêt du TF 6B_115/2017) ou les décisions du Tribunal fédéral publiées officiellement (par ex. : ATF 142 I 177), ainsi que les articles de loi (par ex. : art. 716a CO) et vous fournit une liste de résultats précise.

Recherche avec des opérateurs

Si vous placez les termes de recherche entre guillemets, seuls les résultats affichant les mots indiqués dans cet ordre précis seront proposés.
Par ex. : "la prestation de travail fournie par l’employé n’est que partiellement" --> permettra de trouver exactement cette partie de phrase dans la base de donn'ees.
Afin de trouver un arrêt précis et/ou un article de loi précis, veuillez toujours employer l’opérateur de recherche "...".
Par ex. : "1C_144/2017"   ou   "Art. 12 CC" --> trouvera exactement cet arrêt / cet article de loi.
AND, && 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats qui contiennent tous les termes de recherche choisis et qui sont reliés par l’opérateur (AND, &&).
Par ex. : droit AND ordre ou droit && ordre
OR, || 
Permet d'obtenir tous les résultats comprenant au moins un terme de recherche lié à (OR, ||).
Par ex .: droit OR ordre ou droit || ordre
NOT, - 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats comprenant le(s) terme(s) de recherche SANS le(s) terme(s) qui sui(ven)t l’opérateur (NOT, -).
Par ex. : droit NOT ordre ou droit - ordre
Permet de rechercher différents termes avec une lettre variable située à l’endroit du point d’interrogation.
Par ex.: m?t  --> permet de trouver : mot, met, mit, etc.
Permet de rechercher des mots comprenant une quelconque combinaison de lettres situées à l’endroit de l’astérisque.
Par ex. : *anwalt  --> permet de trouver : Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, ...; Aktien* --> trouvera Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, ...; *etter  --> trouvera Hofstetter, letter, etc.

Résultats de recherche pour Aktienrecht

224 résultats trouvés


Bonus als Risiko – Zur Regulierung der variablen Vergütung von Bankorganen

The experience with the Credit Suisse crisis of confidence has once again shown that compensation systems are of considerable importance for the risk management of financial institutions. Inappropriate risks and wrong incentives can endanger the substance and profitability of a bank and thus its stability. This article focuses on the regulation of variable compensation of bank boards and analyzes…

Verfügt die FINMA über genügend wirksame und scharfe Instrumente gegen (höchste) Bankmanager?

In March 2023, Crédit Suisse (CS) had to be taken over by UBS. It was the first global systemically important bank to face imminent resolution since the financial crisis of 2007–2008. Unlike UBS in 2008, CS remained well capitalized until the end. But clients had lost confidence in the bank’s management. This led to a bank run and thus to the bank’s demise. The ongoing crisis of specialist and…

Floating Charge as Security in Debt Finance Transactions

The granting of security by the way of a floating charge is a common law concept which allows the entirety of a company’s assets to be used as collateral. Borrowers and lenders profit from this highly flexible means of providing a comprehensive security interest in debt finance transactions. This article examines whether the concept of floating charge is recognized under Swiss law or not. For…
Christian Schneiter LL.M., Dorothea Wirth LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2023 | p. 644

Zur Genehmigungsfiktion in Banken-AGB – eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der bundesgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung

In practice, the fiction of consent has become a veritable all-purpose weapon of banks and other financial service providers. In disputes with their clients banks regularly argue that the client has…

Die Registrierungsvereinbarung – insbesondere bei tokenisierten Forderungsrechten

The registration agreement links a certain right to a token or other informational unit on a distributed ledger. In doing so, the issuer creates a ledger-based security, which is an instrument of public faith equivalent to a bearer or «ordre» security and features scriptural legality. The article examines the function and securities law context of the registration agreement, including…


Die Revision des Aktienrechts ist auf den 1. Januar 2023 in Kraft getreten. Im vorliegenden Heft werden verschiedene Kernthemen der Revision aufgegriffen, so etwa die statutarischen Schiedsklauseln,…
Karin Müller, Markus Vischer
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | p. 513

Schiedsklauseln in den Statuten von Schweizer Aktiengesellschaften und GmbH

The Swiss legislator clarified that the articles of associations of Swiss companies limited by shares and limited liability companies may include arbitration clauses. This note first discusses issues such as arbitrability, validity and scope of statutory arbitration clauses, i.e., issues arising in the context of arbitration clauses and arbitration agreements alike. It then discusses an issue…
PD Dr. iur. Marco Stacher LL.M., lic. iur. Sophie Plüschel-Arnold
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | p. 515

Informationskonzept im neuen Aktienrecht

The information asymmetry between shareholders and managers calls for the implementation of an efficient information concept within stock corporations. In the course of the Swiss Stock Corporation Reform of 2020, the former information concept was partially revised. This article takes a critical look at the revised provisions and puts them in context.
PD Dr. iur. Damian A. Fischer LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | p. 528

Neuausrichtung des «Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance» auf den Wandel der Zeit

The «Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance», which was first published in 2002 and has since been revised several times, has become the most important guideline for good corporate governance in Switzerland and is widely accepted because it shows practical solutions based on expertise and experience. It compensates for its non-binding nature and lack of legal legitimacy, so to speak…

Konzernorganisationsrecht heute

The Swiss law of groups of companies is characterized by a scarcity of statutory rules, judicial pragmatism, and a flexible application of the rules by companies. Unusually, the density of statutory rules in this domain has decreased in recent years. In this article, the author summarizes the current status of the organizational law of groups of companies and takes a closer look at selected…
Prof. Dr. iur. Daniel M. Häusermann LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | p. 559

Das Kapitalband

The revision of the Swiss law on companies limited by shares, which came into force on January 1, 2023, introduced the capital band («Kapitalband»). This new legal institution leads to more flexibility for the companies with regard to equity financing by giving the shareholders the possibility to authorize the board of directors to increase and decrease the share capital without a prior…
Prof. Dr. iur. Karin Müller, Viviane Dettling
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | p. 571

Les enjeux de la CSRD pour les entreprises suisses

The CSRD, which substantially expands the scope of companies forced to publish sustainability-related data, has a direct and indirect extraterritorial effect on Swiss companies. Size is not the only relevant criterion. Engaging with the EU market or with European companies can have (unexpected) implications. This worldwide impact is coupled with comprehensive and granular disclosures covering a…
Prof. Dr. iur. Giulia Neri-Castracane, Teymour Brander
SZW-RSDA 5/2023 | p. 587

Sustainable Purpose-Driven Enterprises

Social enterprises (in a broad sense), including those launched by social (or sustainable) entrepreneurs (or Sustainable Purpose-Driven Entities) are important players to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Developing a legal framework that allows them to prosper has been a priority of the European Commission since 2010. These entities have recently been endorsed by the United…
Dr. iur. Giulia Neri-Castracane
SZW-RSDA 4/2023 | p. 416

Venture Capital, ESG and Sustainable Investments

Sustainability is a pressing issue that requires addressing various environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges. The venture capital industry has the potential to play a crucial role in sustainable investments due to its characteristics, such as long-term investment horizons and investor protections. However, sustainability has yet to become a major topic in private equity and venture…
Dr. iur. Michel Jaccard LL.M., Anh-Thu Thai MLaw
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | p. 272

Actions de loyauté : une fausse bonne idée

Over its summer session 2018, the Swiss National Council adopted the possibility for companies limited by shares (sociétés anonymes/Aktiengesellschaften) to include in their articles of association certain financial privileges to the benefit of shareholders registered for at least two consecutive years in the share register (loyalty shares). This article presents the legislative work in progress…
Prof. Isabelle Chabloz LL.M., Alexandra Vraca MLaw
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | p. 286

ESG Considerations and Public Benefit Corporations

There appears to be an international demand among investors for for-profit enterprises that commit to a social or environmental purpose and consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects. Inspired by U.S. legislation, EU and other state legislators have enacted statutes with new legal forms of business organizations – so-called benefit corporations – or are considering to do so in…
Dr. iur. Christoph Burckhardt LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | p. 302

Sanierungsausnahme und selektives Opting out/up – ein Vergleich

If a listed company is in financial difficulties and has found a potential restructurer who wishes to acquire a larger shareholding but does not wish to be under an obligation to make an offer to acquire all listed equity securities of the company, under the Swiss takeover law two alternatives stand in the foreground: applying for an exemption from the obligation to make an offer for…

Identification des actionnaires, restrictions de transfert et « white listings »

Identification of shareholders is a topic that is governed by various layers of rules under Swiss law, which were adopted at different times to serve different purposes. Most of these rules were adopted at a time when the structure of capital markets was very different from what it is today, and before the digitalization of securities became a topic. Also, growing focus on the fight against money…
Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland, lic. iur. Vincent Huynh Dac M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | p. 335

Alea iacta est: keine erleichterte Fusion bei indirekten Beteiligungsverhältnissen

Alleinaktionär der A AG (Beschwerdeführerin, nachfolgend: übernehmende Gesellschaft) ist B. Die Gesellschafter der C GmbH (nachfolgend: übertragende Gesellschaft) sind B (60% des Stammkapitals) und…
Dr. iur. Markus Vischer LL.M., Dr. iur. Dario Galli LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | p. 369

The Materiality of Sustainability Information under Capital Markets Law

This paper explores the legal concept of the materiality of sustainability-related information under Swiss capital markets law. References to international standards, as well as EU and U.S. provisions, are also made with a view to highlighting the increasing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in the law and regulation of capital markets. We primarily focus on the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Yannick Caballero Cuevas MLaw
SZW-RSDA 1/2023 | p. 44

Kantonalbanken im Spannungsfeld von Political Governance und Corporate Governance

Like the other banks, the cantonal banks are facing the challenges of increasing regulation, digitalisation and the persistently low interest rate environment, and are exposed to the accompanying competitive and margin pressure. They have to virtually reinvent their business models and themselves in order to secure their positions as future-oriented financial service providers in their regions…


Climate litigation against companies has increased significantly in the past couple of years, not only in the United States, but also in Europe. At the same time, regulation with respect to climate change is developing rapidly, such that it may be difficult for companies to identify which laws apply to them and how they should address the legal risks relating to climate change and climate…
Marie-Cristine Kaptan MBA, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2022 | p. 586

Das Finanzmarktaufsichtsrecht vom vierten Quartal 2021 bis ins vierte Quartal 2022

Ohne Vertrauen keine funktionsfähige Gemeinschaft! Was für Staat und Gesellschaft gilt, gilt auch für Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeitende auf allen Stufen. Das unternehmensinterne Kontrollumfeld trägt diesem Umstand Rechnung, was sich in einer angemessenen Breite und Tiefe der Kontrollen ausdrücken muss, ohne die Mitarbeitenden auf Schritt und Tritt zu überwachen. Die Enttäuschung von…


Die von den Eidgenössischen Räten am 19. Juni 2020 verabschiedete Revision des Aktienrechts tritt auf den 1. Januar 2023 vollständig in Kraft. Im vorliegenden Heft werden verschiedene Kernthemen der…
Prof. Dr. iur. Karin Müller, Prof. Dr. iur. Isabelle Chabloz LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2022 | p. 399

Digitale Generalversammlungen und Verwaltungsratssitzungen

The 19 June 2020 revision of the provisions on the limited by shares company contains various facilitations for the use of technical means in the conduct of general meetings and board meetings. What are the concrete options available and what are the practical implications of these innovations? What do banks need to consider from a prudential perspective? After an overview of the digitization in…

Protokollierung von GV- und VR-Beschlüssen als Gültigkeitsform

The «new» corporation law provides for some new and overall numerous ways to conduct shareholders’ and board meetings. Irrespective of the way they are conducted there is a duty to minute the meetings. Contrary to the traditional opinion the minutes are a validity requirement. Not minuted shareholders’ and board resolutions are therefore not valid and null and void.

Aktienrechtsrevision und Handelsregister

The biggest change in registration is probably the move away from registration as an anti-proxy transaction by introducing various proxy options. With the revision of stock corporation law, the documentary evidence principle was retained in principle. Pursuant to Art. 937 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, the Commercial Registry Office must verify, both at the time of incorporation and in the…
Dr. iur. Clemens Meisterhans
SZW-RSDA 5/2022 | p. 430

Neues Aktienrecht als Inspiration für den Gläubigerschutz bei Umstrukturierungen

What is the adequate level of creditor protection in corporate restructurings? The present article sheds a critical light on the current creditor protection provisions in the Swiss Merger Act and proposes, inspired by provisions of the new Swiss Stock Corporation Act, a partial reform of the Swiss Merger Act.

Eigentümerstrukturen von Schweizer Aktiengesellschaften

The ownership structure of a corporation is in many respects a crucial determinant from a corporate governance perspective. In finance and business economics, a large variety of theoretical and empirical work has focused on corporate ownership structures and their implications. In the legal field, however, the topic has been rather neglected so far. This article provides an empirical study of…
Prof. Dr. iur. Valentin Jentsch LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2022 | p. 452

Wissen, Nichtwissen und Wissenmüssen von natürlichen und juristischen Personen

Many statutory or contractual provisions’ legal con­sequences depend on whether the addressee knew or should have known a fact. Thus, the question of what natural or legal persons know is of paramount im­por­tance. This paper defines the three key terms “knowledge”, “lack of knowledge”, and “knowledge that one should have had”. Also, it examines under which conditions a third party’s knowledge…
Dr. iur. Markus Vischer LL.M., Dr. iur. Dario Galli LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2022 | p. 361


Eppur si muove! – die Aktienrechtsrevision bewegt sich, am 1. Januar 2023 ist es mit dem vollen Inkrafttreten soweit. Dem Schritt in die praktische Anwendung geht bereits vielfältige kritische…
Prof. Dr. iur. Urs Bertschinger, Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland
SZW-RSDA 3/2022 | p. 185

Auskunfts- und Einsichtsrecht des Aktionärs – Durchzogene Bilanz der Aktienrechtsrevision

The revision of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) concerning the joint stock corporation – which will come into force on 1 January 2023 – substantially alters the shareholders’ rights to ask for information about the affairs of the company and to inspect its ledgers and files. Compared to the present legal situation, which only entitles a shareholder to obtain information during the course of a…

Geschäftsherrenhaftung im Konzernverhältnis?

On November 29, 2020, the Corporate Responsibil­ity-Initiative failed in the referendum by a majority of the cantons. The debate on the Corporate Responsibility Initiative and the indirect counter-proposal of the Swiss Parliament focused on the question of the extent to which Swiss companies should be held liable for the activities of the companies they control in the area of human rights and…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christoph B. Bühler LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2022 | p. 202

Aktien als individualisierte Rechte und die dadurch in der Trias Mitgliedschaft –Wertpapier/Wertrecht –Bucheffekte verursachten Probleme

Shares (Aktien) in the sense of memberships (Mitgliedschaften) in corporations are in principle individualized, non-fungible rights. They come into existence as non-certified shares (unverbriefte Aktien). In order to make them more negotiable such non-certified rights are often wrapped into a cover (Hülle). By this wrapping process (Umhüllung) the non-certified shares are transformed into…

Marge de fluctuation du capital (art. 653s ss nCO) : de la sauvegarde des créanciers et des actionnaires, en particulier lors de l’acquisition par la SA de ses propres actions

As of the entry into force, on 1st January 2023, of the revised Swiss Limited Companies Law (« Aktiengesell­schaft », « société anonyme »), the margin of fluctuation of capital (« Kapitalband », « marge de fluctuation du capital ») will allow the general assembly of shareholders to authorise the board of directors to increase or reduce the share capital within a certain interval during a maximum…

Relationship Agreements zwischen Vertragsfreiheit und zwingendem Aktienrecht

Relationship agreements between listed companies and large shareholders have gained in popularity over the past years. Relationship agreements cover such topics as the shareholder’s representation on the board of directors, voting at shareholder meetings, the shareholder’s right to receive information from the company, and exit provisions (e.g., lock-up and standstill undertakings). From the…

Tokenisierung von Aktien unter dem neuen DLT-Gesetz (insb. Art. 973d ff. OR) und CMTA Standard

With the entry into force of the Swiss Federal Act on the Adaptation of the Federal Legislation to Developments in Electronic Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT Act) in 2021, various uncertainties relating to the tokenization of financial instruments have been clarified. In particular, the legal framework of such tokenization, understood as the association between digital tokens and certain…
lic. iur. Tino Gaberthüel LL.M., C.B.A., Xavier Grivel MLaw
SZW-RSDA 3/2022 | p. 254

Verbotene Einflussnahme des VR auf die Willensbildung in der GV mittels der patronalen Personalfürsorgestiftung

Die Aktionäre der A AG (Beklagte, Beschwerdeführerin, nachfolgend: Gesellschaft) sind die patronale Personalfürsorgestiftung1 der Gesellschaft (40 Na­men­aktien), B.B (Klägerin, Beschwerdegegnerin…

Le rôle du représentant indépendant des actionnaires en droit suisse de la société anonyme, notamment à l’aune de la législation COVID et des assemblées générales virtuelles du nouveau droit

The independent proxy emerged in Swiss company law a few years ago through the back door of the Minder initiative (Article 95 Federal Constitution). This constitutional provision was then implemented by the Ordinance against Excessive Remuneration in Listed Companies Limited by Shares (ORAb), which has been in force since 1 January 2014. Its institution has been given a new lease of life with the…

EU-Product-Governance – Ein Vorbild für die Schweiz?

In 2020 the Financial Services Act (FinSA) entered into force. The provisions on rules of conduct and organizational duties are more or less based on the provisions of MiFID II. However, the regulatory complex on product governance has not been adopted by the Swiss legislator. This article examines whether this decision was convincing. As a result, it turns out to be wise, because the EU-product…

Nichtfinanzielle Berichterstattung nach dem Gegenvorschlag zur Konzernverantwortungsinitiative und ihre Bedeutung für den Finanzsektor

The financial market and its players play a key role in the pursuit of a sustainable economic system. If capital flows are specifically directed toward sustainable products and services, financial market participants can make a significant contribution to a resource-efficient economy. A key prerequisite for the regulatory control of the achievement of sustainability goals is the reporting of…

Das Finanzmarktaufsichtsrecht vom vierten Quartal 2020 bis ins vierte Quartal 2021

Nachhaltige Finanzanlagen erfreuen sich stark steigender Nachfrage.1 Wo viel Business ist, ist der Missbrauch oftmals nicht weit. Angesichts der derzeitigen hohen Intransparenz, ob und inwiefern einzelne Finanzanlagen gewisse Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, hat der Finanzminister schon öffentlich gewarnt: «Die Gefahr von Greenwashing ist gross.»2 Dementsprechend besteht seitens der…

Ruhen der Stimmrechte und positive Beschlussfeststellungsklage

Die A. AG (Gesellschaft, Beklagte, Beschwerdeführerin) ist eine Aktiengesellschaft nach Schweizer Recht. Das Aktienkapital beträgt CHF 150 000 und ist eingeteilt in 150 Namenaktien zu je CHF 1000…
Oliver Dalla Palma MLaw, LL.M., Bruno Mahler MLaw, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2021 | p. 760