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Aide à la recherche

Recherche d’arrêts et d’articles de loi

La recherche rapide permet non seulement de retrouver des termes dans tous les contenus, mais elle reconnaît aussi les citations importantes (les décisions non publiées ou publiées du Tribunal fédéral, du Tribunal administratif fédéral et du Tribunal pénal fédéral ainsi que des’articles de loi issus du Recueil systématique du droit fédéral). Saisissez dans le champ de recherche la décision recherchée ou l’article recherché et cliquez sur la loupe. L’outil de recherche reconnaît par exemple les décisions non publiées du Tribunal fédéral (par ex. : arrêt du TF 6B_115/2017) ou les décisions du Tribunal fédéral publiées officiellement (par ex. : ATF 142 I 177), ainsi que les articles de loi (par ex. : art. 716a CO) et vous fournit une liste de résultats précise.

Recherche avec des opérateurs

Si vous placez les termes de recherche entre guillemets, seuls les résultats affichant les mots indiqués dans cet ordre précis seront proposés.
Par ex. : "la prestation de travail fournie par l’employé n’est que partiellement" --> permettra de trouver exactement cette partie de phrase dans la base de donn'ees.
Afin de trouver un arrêt précis et/ou un article de loi précis, veuillez toujours employer l’opérateur de recherche "...".
Par ex. : "1C_144/2017"   ou   "Art. 12 CC" --> trouvera exactement cet arrêt / cet article de loi.
AND, && 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats qui contiennent tous les termes de recherche choisis et qui sont reliés par l’opérateur (AND, &&).
Par ex. : droit AND ordre ou droit && ordre
OR, || 
Permet d'obtenir tous les résultats comprenant au moins un terme de recherche lié à (OR, ||).
Par ex .: droit OR ordre ou droit || ordre
NOT, - 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats comprenant le(s) terme(s) de recherche SANS le(s) terme(s) qui sui(ven)t l’opérateur (NOT, -).
Par ex. : droit NOT ordre ou droit - ordre
Permet de rechercher différents termes avec une lettre variable située à l’endroit du point d’interrogation.
Par ex.: m?t  --> permet de trouver : mot, met, mit, etc.
Permet de rechercher des mots comprenant une quelconque combinaison de lettres situées à l’endroit de l’astérisque.
Par ex. : *anwalt  --> permet de trouver : Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, ...; Aktien* --> trouvera Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, ...; *etter  --> trouvera Hofstetter, letter, etc.

Résultats de recherche pour Rekrutierung

13 résultats trouvés


Salärgovernance und neues Aktienrecht

In determining the compensation of directors and top management, the board of directors of public companies is faced with a structural conflict of interest. The aim to mitigate this conflict through an appropriate design of the procedure forms the essence of the say-on-pay rules introduced by the Swiss electorate in a public vote in 2013 and implemented on a transitional basis in the Ordinance…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Bruno Mahler MLaw
SZW-RSDA 5/2021 | p. 541

Die Rolle der FINMA bei Vergütungen in Banken und Versicherungen

Compensation and remuneration schemes in financial institutions always have been, and still are, a hot potato. The past decade has been particularly eventful in terms of both regulation and supervision, not only in Switzerland, but also abroad. Against this backdrop, this article aims to discuss the role of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, FINMA, with regard to compensation in…

Wirkungsvollere Stiftungstätigkeit mittels «Foundation Diversity Management»

The present article discusses «Foundation Diversity Management» as a new and little researched term. It analyses this theme, sheds light on its origins in di­versity and explains what is meant by diversity in the board of a foundation. Finally, it shows how foundations are able to introduce such «Foundation Diversity Management» into their organisation. «Foundation Di­versity Management» aims to…

Good Corporate Governance: Von der Zielsetzung zur Unternehmens­organisation – am Beispiel des neuen Aktienrechts

The authors start out by noting that the term and discussion around corporate governance developed from a technical designation without content to a concept of «good» corporate governance that increasingly prescribes the ways, not the goals of corporate governance. Likewise, the question whether a corporate governance system is good or bad is not measured in light of its efficiency in achieving…

Automatisierte Entscheidungen: Grundfragen aus der Perspektive des Privatrechts

Data protection law addresses the issue that more and more (complex) decisions are taken automatically. A closer look at the regulatory approaches of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Council of Europe’s Convention 108 and the draft Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (draft FADP) leads to two conclusions. On the one hand, the scope of application of these provisions is too…
Prof. Dr. iur. Florent Thouvenin, Dr. iur. Alfred Früh
SZW-RSDA 1/2020 | p. 3

Automatisierte Entscheidungen: Perspektive Grundrechte

Automated decisions affect the legal system in a wide variety of areas. In a state governed by the rule of law, fundamental rights are of great importance; their ­validity can lead to a conflict with «results» produced by algorithms. The article examines five areas (employment relationships, biomedical «environment», moderation of online content, financial markets, procedural guarantees) and,…

Automatisierte Entscheidungen: Perspektive Datenschutzrecht und ­öffentliche Verwaltung

In the area of government action, automated individual decisions in the sense of the draft revision of the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (E-DSG) are fully automated decrees. Art. 19 E-DSG provides, on the one hand, for a labelling obligation for such decrees and, on the other hand, for certain decisions, the person concerned is granted the opportunity, upon request, to state his point of view…

Bestimmung von Vertragskonditionen im Rahmen automatisierter Entscheidungen

Automated decision making has become increasingly popular in the context of contracting. Essential contractual conditions, in particular the price, are automatically determined based on a number of factors, a wealth of data and by the use of algorithms. Automated decision making for contractual terms raises a number of legal issues and questions, in particularly related to data protection, fair…
Lic. iur. et lic. oec. publ. Roland Mathys LL.M., Helen Reinhart MLaw, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2020 | p. 35

Robot Recruiting

«Robot recruiting» refers to the automation of the recruiting process using data driven technologies. More than half of HR managers expect artificial intelligence to become part of their daily routine in just a few years’ time. Hiring algorithms are said to make hiring more consistent and efficient and even have the potential to remove interpersonal bias from the hiring process. But critics argue…
Dr. iur. Matthias Glatthaar LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2020 | p. 43

Haftung für automatisierte Entscheidungen – Herausforderungen in der Praxis

It is now technically possible for decisions to be made by autonomous means without any human involvement. The ability of automated decision making systems to act increasingly autonomously poses new challenges to the current legal framework. For example, in addition to contractual and non-contractual liability bases, proposals are being made for liability under the Swiss Product Liability Act or…

Credit Scoring, AML Software & Risk Profiling: Automatisierte Entscheidungen im Rahmen von Finanzdienstleistungen

Techniques of automated decision making, including profiling are, no doubt, also of interest to financial service providers. This essay describes three such applications (credit scoring, transaction monitoring for AML purposes, risk profiling for investors) and discusses their possible compliance with the requirements under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, as well as the proposed new…

Die Zukunft des digitalisierten Rechnungswesens

The digitization of economics does not only effect parts on an entity but the entire value chain, notably inclusive of the accounting department. Should we have to expect a revolution in such a way that millions of bookkeepers will be replaced by machines in the near-future? Or do these new technologies have the potential to automate routine tasks while supporting more complex, non-routine…
Andreas Bodenmann MSc, Annalouise Maas MSc, Moritz Schwan MSc
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | p. 33