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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 2/2015 | p. 117-123 The following page is 117

La législation britannique contre la corruption : application du Bribery Act aux personnes suisses

The UK Bribery Act is an ambitious legislative initiative and the centerpiece of the British legal framework against corruption. In addition to the classic criminal offences (active and passive bribery, corruption in the public and in the private sector), the Bribery Act introduces a remarkable form of criminal liability for legal persons. The new corporate offence and the extraterritorial reach of the Bribery Act preoccupy not only foreign legal entities doing business in the UK, but also those with a simple “ demonstrable business presence ” on the British territory. This article analyses the legal risk for foreign business entities, including Swiss businesses, resulting from the Act and its interpretative Guidance.
