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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 3/2018 | p. 266-279 The following page is 266

Verwendung von Software aus dem Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz bei der Due Diligence im M&A- und Kapitalmarktbereich

This article is a first review of how artificial intelligence could be used in M&A and capital markets due dili­gence. Today available products have similar fields of application and functionality. They are mainly used in contract review. Their core function is to help to identify clauses of a certain type and to provide first summaries of contracts. They all have the ability to learn and thereby improve their abilities. Whether the software may be used in due diligence work should be determined based on the necessary duty of care of the lawyers involved. If the care employed can be increased by using the software, it should be possible to use the software. To assess this, one needs to do controlled testing of the software and controlled training of the software. Depending on the results, there are already today possible fields of application in M&A due diligence and in capital markets due diligence, at least as long as one knows and properly controls what one is doing. Shifting the…
