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Droit de l'avocat et notaire

Enquêtes internes et secret professionnel de l’avocat

The Federal Court recently rendered two decisions on the issue of the protection of the lawyer’s professional secrecy within the context of internal inquiries. These decisions represent an important step, since there were contradictory opinions in legal writings on the issue of whether lawyers’ participation in internal inquiries should be regarded as a typical activity, and consequently covered…

L’[in]effectivité du secret professionnel – Peut-on protéger le produit du travail du service juridique dans les procédures?

The protection of the legal department’s work product is closely linked to the professional privilege of in-house counsels. Such a privilege exists in the United States and many European countries but is non-existent, respectively non-effective in Switzerland. After the abandonment in 2010 of a new federal law aimed at regulating the in-house counsels status and inter alia granting them such a…

Verwendung von Software aus dem Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz bei der Due Diligence im M&A- und Kapitalmarktbereich

This article is a first review of how artificial intelligence could be used in M&A and capital markets due dili­gence. Today available products have similar fields of application and functionality. They are mainly used in contract review. Their core function is to help to identify clauses of a certain type and to provide first summaries of contracts. They all have the ability to learn and thereby…

Das Gesellschaftsrecht 2016/2017 / Le droit des sociétés 2016/2017

Im vergangenen Jahr stachen neben dem Fall Sika vor allem eine Reihe von Urteilen zum Verantwortlichkeitsrecht ins Auge. Diese bestätigen einerseits die klärende neuere Rechtsprechung zur Business Judgment Rule. Anderseits aber liegen eine Reihe von Urteilen zum Schadensnachweis in Verantwortlichkeitsprozessen vor, in welchen das Bundesgericht die Latte so hoch anlegt, dass es in Zukunft…
Prof. Dr. iur. Walter A. Stoffel LL.M., Arnaud Constantin MLaw
SZW-RSDA 3/2017 | p. 359

Aktienrechtliche Notariatspraxis: Frequently Asked Questions

Within the context of a general meeting of shareholders, the notary public assumes various duties. He/she counsels and informs his/her clients in preparation of the meeting. During the meeting he/she is in charge of preparing the notarized deed and minutes all the statements and decisions of the parties. The notary public does not get involved in the content of the meeting but he/she may…