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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 6/2021 | p. 683-697 The following page is 683

DLT-basierte Finanzprodukte

DLT-based financial products are digitally created assets that can be transferred and stored on a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) infrastructure. Internationally, such digitally stored «tokens» are mostly referred to as «crypto assets»; however, there is still a lack of recognized, clear and internationally uniform definitions. Parallel to the spread of crypto assets being treated according to adapted traditional legal requirements, financial services were developed for their production, sale, trading and custody, which have increasingly attracted the attention of regulators. Swiss law allows a bilateral customer interaction with the issuer not only during an ICO; also in the secondary market a direct contact with the trading venue is permitted which leads to a deviation from the principle of technology neutrality. The article analyzes the regulatory challenges when establishing a framework for this modern form of financing and discusses the Swiss legal approach to emission, trading…
