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Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M.



Dieses Heft enthält Beiträge zu zahlreichen Facetten der Digitalisierung und Innovation. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Finanzmarktrecht. Die Vielfalt der behandelten Themen spiegelt den Querschnittscharakter der relevanten Rechtsfragen.
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Cornelia Stengel, Florent Thouvenin
SZW-RSDA 1/2023 | p. 1

The Materiality of Sustainability Information under Capital Markets Law

This paper explores the legal concept of the materiality of sustainability-related information under Swiss capital markets law. References to international standards, as well as EU and U.S. provisions, are also made with a view to highlighting the increasing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in the law and regulation of capital markets. We primarily focus on the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Yannick Caballero Cuevas MLaw
SZW-RSDA 1/2023 | p. 44


Les articles du présent cahier sont consacrés à la digitalisation et l’innovation sous leurs multiples facettes. La variété des thèmes abordés reflète le caractère transversal des questions juridiques pertinentes. En ce qui concerne les domaines du droit, les contributions portent sur des aspects de droit bancaire et financier aussi bien que de droit des contrats, de la responsabilité civile, de…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Cornelia Stengel, Prof. Dr. iur. Florent Thouvenin
SZW-RSDA 1/2022 | p. 1

Trois modèles de contrôle des investissements transfrontaliers

The screening of foreign investment has become a growing concern for many countries. In the midst of a trade war between the US and China as well as issues related to state-owned companies’ interference in the EU, it is bound to become a subject of heated debates in Switzerland. As we continue to live through a global pandemic, some countries are seeing themselves lacking or at least vulnerable…
Ass.-Prof. Dr. iur Aline Darbellay LL.M., Lukaz Samb Mlaw
SZW-RSDA 4/2020 | p. 419

Le régime de responsabilité civile en matière d’émissions publiques de jetons digitaux (ICO)

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) consist of an innovative form of capital raising. In the digital era, it has become technically possible to raise substantial funds within a very short period of time. This paper analyses the civil liability regime applying to misrepresentations communicated to investors acquiring tokens in an ICO. Pursuant to the prospectus liability provisions of the Swiss Code of…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Dr. iur. Michel José Reymond
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | p. 48