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Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h. c. Peter Böckli



The Bill of 2016 for a revision of the Swiss Corporation Law addresses, with new and quite lengthy dispositions, the thorny problem of corporate reorganizations in the event of upcoming financial difficulties. On the one hand, the classical and quite formal equity-related ­approach of European Continental Law to prevent ­«unlawful trading» is maintained, i.e. the Board’s duty to take immediate…
Prof. em. Dr. iur. Peter Böckli
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | p. 524

Stimmenmehrheit unter Verdacht: Wege und Irrwege im aktienrechtlichen Minderheitenschutz

Recent developments in the area of corporation law ­indicate a dichotomy between calls for more “shareholder democracy” and an increasing suspicion about “shareholders’ majority decisions”. Corporations have to date been governed following the model of “subjection of the minority to the majority”, with the steady approval of the courts. This guiding principle, which is at the core of a…

Der «aktuelle Liquiditätsplan» des Vorentwurfs – Ein neuer Fokus für Verwaltungsrat und Revisor in einer drohenden Finanznotlage

The current draft for a revised Corporation Law includes a complete overhaul of the provisions dealing with a financial crisis situation. So far, initiatives to be taken by the Board are triggered exclusively by a massive loss of equity (measured against share capital and legal reserves). The proposed law intends to focus the Board’s attention on liquidity problems and introduces a «liquidity…

Proxy Advisors: Risikolose Stimmenmacht mit Checklisten

Over the last ten years Proxy Advisors have continually enhanced their role as major players in shareholders’ meetings of Swiss public companies. In correlation with the ever increasing percentage of listed shares owned by Institutional Shareholders – 50%–70% and more in typical cases –, a power transfer is developing to advisors wielding factual voting clout without bearing investment risk.
em. Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Böckli
SZW-RSDA 3/2015 | p. 209