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Aide à la recherche

Recherche d’arrêts et d’articles de loi

La recherche rapide permet non seulement de retrouver des termes dans tous les contenus, mais elle reconnaît aussi les citations importantes (les décisions non publiées ou publiées du Tribunal fédéral, du Tribunal administratif fédéral et du Tribunal pénal fédéral ainsi que des’articles de loi issus du Recueil systématique du droit fédéral). Saisissez dans le champ de recherche la décision recherchée ou l’article recherché et cliquez sur la loupe. L’outil de recherche reconnaît par exemple les décisions non publiées du Tribunal fédéral (par ex. : arrêt du TF 6B_115/2017) ou les décisions du Tribunal fédéral publiées officiellement (par ex. : ATF 142 I 177), ainsi que les articles de loi (par ex. : art. 716a CO) et vous fournit une liste de résultats précise.

Recherche avec des opérateurs

Si vous placez les termes de recherche entre guillemets, seuls les résultats affichant les mots indiqués dans cet ordre précis seront proposés.
Par ex. : "la prestation de travail fournie par l’employé n’est que partiellement" --> permettra de trouver exactement cette partie de phrase dans la base de donn'ees.
Afin de trouver un arrêt précis et/ou un article de loi précis, veuillez toujours employer l’opérateur de recherche "...".
Par ex. : "1C_144/2017"   ou   "Art. 12 CC" --> trouvera exactement cet arrêt / cet article de loi.
AND, && 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats qui contiennent tous les termes de recherche choisis et qui sont reliés par l’opérateur (AND, &&).
Par ex. : droit AND ordre ou droit && ordre
OR, || 
Permet d'obtenir tous les résultats comprenant au moins un terme de recherche lié à (OR, ||).
Par ex .: droit OR ordre ou droit || ordre
NOT, - 
Permet d'obtenir uniquement les résultats comprenant le(s) terme(s) de recherche SANS le(s) terme(s) qui sui(ven)t l’opérateur (NOT, -).
Par ex. : droit NOT ordre ou droit - ordre
Permet de rechercher différents termes avec une lettre variable située à l’endroit du point d’interrogation.
Par ex.: m?t  --> permet de trouver : mot, met, mit, etc.
Permet de rechercher des mots comprenant une quelconque combinaison de lettres situées à l’endroit de l’astérisque.
Par ex. : *anwalt  --> permet de trouver : Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, ...; Aktien* --> trouvera Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, ...; *etter  --> trouvera Hofstetter, letter, etc.

Résultats de recherche pour duty to notify

10 résultats trouvés


The New EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation and its Implications for Switzerland

The EU has adopted a new unilateral instrument to control subsidies granted by non-EU countries, such as Switzerland, to companies operating in the EU. This subsidy control combines antitrust, state aid and trade rules, but applies directly to companies rather than to foreign states or granting authorities. Companies with some activities in the EU fall within the scope of this foreign subsidy…

The Materiality of Sustainability Information under Capital Markets Law

This paper explores the legal concept of the materiality of sustainability-related information under Swiss capital markets law. References to international standards, as well as EU and U.S. provisions, are also made with a view to highlighting the increasing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in the law and regulation of capital markets. We primarily focus on the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Yannick Caballero Cuevas MLaw
SZW-RSDA 1/2023 | p. 44

To Infinity and Beyond: U.S. Dollar-Based Jurisdiction in the U.S. Sanctions Context

The power to print the world’s dominant currency gives the United States enormous leverage in pursuing its geopolitical objectives. This is particularly evident in the sanctions context, where the mere “use” of the U.S. financial system will pull parties into U.S. jurisdiction even if they are located outside the United States. This article highlights the recent extensions of jurisdictional…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Florence Zuber MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2022 | p. 114

Consolidation in the Swiss Portfolio Management Industry – Selected Aspects of M&A Transactions

In the ongoing consolidation wave sweeping the wealth management industry in Switzerland and the rest of the world, Swiss portfolio managers have to be alert. Both as a potential buyer or seller, there are important points to keep in mind to gauge whether a share deal or asset deal is the right choice, whether the timing is right, and how to maximise the value of the transaction, while limiting…

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. The above title might raise a few eyebrows. What is the relationship between the Coty case, which was decided at the end of 2017 by the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”),1 and the Gaba2 and BMW3 judgments handed down the same year by the Federal Tribunal? In addition to the fact that these three cases deal with vertical agreements, the first interesting point of comparison is that the ECJ…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. iur. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | p. 73

Contracts on Digital Content in Europe: Balancing between ­Author-Protective Copyright Policies and Consumer Policies

The online distribution of digital content is generally based on a chain of contractual relationships that can frequently consist of an upstream relationship between an author and a supplier, and a downstream relationship between the supplier and the consumer. Protected digital content transactions are thus potentially subject to two distinct sets of rules, i.e. copyright and consumer protection…

L’ouverture de la faillite : situation actuelle et mise en perspective

This article presents the opening of Bankruptcy Procee­d­ings under Swiss law and especially the problem of the costs. Bankruptcy Proceedings against legal entities are normally initiated without prior enforcement proceedings. According to 725 II CO, the board of directors has a legal duty to notify the court in the case of overindebtedness. In this case, the payment of an advance is not…

The Elephant in the Chalet

Switzerland is currently reforming the legislative framework of its financial industry. The legislative ­debate is focused on gaining market access into the ­European Union through equivalence, understood as unilateral transposition of EU financial legislation by Switzerland. It is very much an “us against them” ­rhetoric which is erroneous on several levels: First of all, the discussion focuses…
Nicolas Tschopp, lic. iur. Yvonne Lenoir Gehl LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2016 | p. 151

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. The Competition Commission1 adopted new organizational rules (“OrgReg”).2 It would go beyond the scope of this chronicle to comment each and every provision. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that the 2015 rules take into account the evolution of the tasks and functions attributed to the authority over the past 20 years; in fact, it is quite amazing that this text did not need any…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet, Dr. iur. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | p. 89