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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 4/2021 | p. 395-418 The following page is 395

Regulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz für FinTech-Anwendungen

Stand der Diskussion in der Schweiz und im Ausland

New methods of artificial intelligence represent one of the greatest promises and most prospective developments of digitalisation. Artificial intelligence has already enabled numerous innovative applications in the areas of image recognition, medicine, language and mobility, and it is also increasingly being used in the financial market, on which this article focuses. In addition to great opportunities, new methods always entail risks, which are usually countered with regulation, especially in the financial market. This article presents – without claiming to be exhaustive – various possible applications for artificial intelligence in connection with financial services and highlights the question of necessity as well as the status of the discussions surrounding its regulation in Switzerland and abroad.
