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Droit de la concurrence


Dieses Heft enthält Beiträge zu zahlreichen Facetten der Digitalisierung und Innovation. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Finanzmarktrecht. Die Vielfalt der behandelten Themen spiegelt den Querschnittscharakter der relevanten Rechtsfragen.
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Cornelia Stengel, Florent Thouvenin
SZW-RSDA 1/2023 | p. 1

Innovation in Pharmaceutical Mergers: Looking for a Miracle Cure?

The European Commission’s approach to analysing the negative effects of a merger on competition has recently changed. Whereas for years, competition authorities have mainly focused on the effects of a merger on prices, the impact on output, or the creation or strengthening of a dominant position in a given market, they are now examining the effects of a merger on innovation. The analysis of the…

L’application du droit des marchés publics à l’approvisionnement en électricité

In March 2021, the Competition Commission issued a recommendation pertaining to the application of public procurement law and the Federal Internal Market Act to the procurement of electricity. The purpose of this recommendation was to examine in which cases the purchase of electricity must be subject to public tenders; it clarified that public procurement law may apply in several instances to…


Les articles du présent cahier sont consacrés à la digitalisation et l’innovation sous leurs multiples facettes. La variété des thèmes abordés reflète le caractère transversal des questions juridiques pertinentes. En ce qui concerne les domaines du droit, les contributions portent sur des aspects de droit bancaire et financier aussi bien que de droit des contrats, de la responsabilité civile, de…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Cornelia Stengel, Prof. Dr. iur. Florent Thouvenin
SZW-RSDA 1/2022 | p. 1


Am 1. Januar 2022 sind die neuen Bestimmungen des Kartellgesetzes (KG) zur relativen Marktmacht in Kraft getreten. Bei diesen Neuerungen handelt es sich um einen indirekten Gegenvorschlag des Parlaments zur mittlerweile zurückgezogenen Fair-Preis-Initiative. Die 14. Tagung zum Wettbewerbsrecht vom 21. Januar 2022 unter der Leitung von Isabelle Chabloz und Walter A. Stoffel an der Universität…
Charlotte M. Baer
SZW-RSDA 4/2022 | p. 291

Multitasking in der Missbrauchsaufsicht: Die Kompensationsfunktionen von Artikel 7 Kartellgesetz

Market economies are based on competition. In the absence of competition, prices rise, factor allocation is not optimal and the incentives to increase productivity and to innovate are impaired. In order to avoid these disadvantages, Article 7 Cartel Act complements the control by competition with a special abuse control. The basic function of this rule is thus to compensate for a lack of…

Entwicklungen im Bereich der vertikalen Wettbewerbsabreden in der Schweiz

The Swiss practice relating to vertical agreements in the past few years has been characterized by numerous authority and court decisions as well as legislative initiatives addressing outstanding (or even raising new) issues in the enforcement of Art. 4 (1) as well as Art. 5 (4) CartA (Federal Act on Cartels and other restraints of Competition). For instance, questions on the qualification of non…