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Verhaltenspflichten des Verwaltungsrats

E. verkaufte seinem Sohn F. im Jahr 1999 die Aktienmehrheit an der C. AG (nachfolgend Kaufvertrag 1). Zwischenzeitlich erwarb F. auch noch die restlichen Aktien der C. AG. Die C. AG hält rund 70% der Aktien an der A. AG, welche ein Hotel in Chur betreibt. Die Aktien der A. AG sind vinkuliert. In Kaufvertrag 1 wurde B., der Schwester von F., ein Vorkaufsrecht bei einem Verkauf der A. AG eingeräumt…
Merens Derungs M.A. HSG, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2019 | p. 697

L’[in]effectivité du secret professionnel – Peut-on protéger le produit du travail du service juridique dans les procédures?

The protection of the legal department’s work product is closely linked to the professional privilege of in-house counsels. Such a privilege exists in the United States and many European countries but is non-existent, respectively non-effective in Switzerland. After the abandonment in 2010 of a new federal law aimed at regulating the in-house counsels status and inter alia granting them such a…

Le fonds de placement contractuel immobilier et la Lex Koller

This contribution discusses the treatment of Swiss real estate funds under the Lex Koller. It explains that for­eigners (in the meaning of Lex Koller) may acquire fund’s units and/or shares or participation certificates in the capital of the fund management company (up to full holding) without a Lex Koller authorization. The analysis takes into account the consequences of such purchases on future…
Cécile Berger Meyer LL.M., Dr. iur. Giulia Neri-Castracane
SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | p. 176

«Exit» aus der Nachlassstundung nach erfolgreicher Sanierung – ­Erste Erkenntnisse zum neuen Art. 296a SchKG

Under Swiss insolvency laws, companies in financial distress aiming at a restructuring rather than a winding-up can opt for a debt-restructuring moratorium (Nachlassstundung) as an alternative to bankruptcy proceedings. While composition proceedings are significantly less frequent in practice than formal bankruptcy proceedings, they are often used by major companies with numerous employees and a…

Anspruch auf Sicherstellung bei Kapitalherabsetzung und Liquidation

The article analyses the creditor’s right to ask for his/her claim to be secured in the procedures of capital ­decrease and liquidation. The strict and very similar rules in both procedures aim to protect the creditors. The authors conclude that a creditor’s right to ask for security shall be subject to the same requirements in both procedures. In this article, the authors state the following: (i…
Dr. iur. Markus Vischer LL.M., Alice Vorburger M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 3/2019 | p. 264


Die Digitalisierung schreitet weiter voran und verändert Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in grundlegender Weise. Mit diesen Veränderungen ergeben sich auch immer wieder neue Rechtsfragen, längst auch in Rechtsgebieten, die auf den ersten Blick relativ «immun» gegenüber technischen Innovationen erscheinen. Die SZW hat sich denn auch schon in mehreren Nummern vertieft mit rechtlichen Fragen rund um die…
Prof. Dr. Florent Thouvenin, Prof. Dr. Federica De Rossa
SZW-RSDA 4/2019 | p. 333

Daten als Entgelt

The use of personal data as payment means in con­tractual relations is an economic reality that does not contradict the legal framework. In exchange for digital content a data subject may provide personal data to the supplier agreeing to have used them for further data processing. Under Swiss law, such kind of values’ exchange can be qualified as innominate contract that encompasses continuing…
em. Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf H. Weber, Simon Henseler Mlaw
SZW-RSDA 4/2019 | p. 335

In the Business of Influence: Contractual Practices and Social Media Content Monetisation

In 2018, 300 hours of content were uploaded on Youtube every minute. Most of it is generated by regular people who share content for a living, and those who amass enough followers are known as influencers. Traditionally, media laws have controlled aired content. Nowadays, broadcasting decentralisation and social media trends such as influencer marketing challenge the rationale and application of…
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Catalina Goanta LL.M.,, Dr. iur. Isabelle Wildhaber LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2019 | p. 346

Gewährleistung bei vernetzten Geräten

The networking of devices leads to new legal issues. The following article examines how contracts around networked devices are legally classified. In particular, it will be examined whether the classical warranty rights of sales and works contract law are sufficient to adequately protect the needs of individual users.
Prof. Dr. iur. Mirjam Eggen LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2019 | p. 358