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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 1/2024 | S. 58-62 The following page is 58

Neuerungen in der Einlagensicherung

Regulatorische Neuerungen mit dem revidierten Bankengesetz und Würdigung des revidierten Einlagensicherungssystems

The partial revision of the Banking Act and thus an improved depositor protection came into force on 1st January 2023. CHF 100 000 will remain protected if a bank goes bankrupt, and the financing of the system is strength­ened. Among other things, the new law brings changes for joint account holders. Parts of the revision came into force immediately. Transitional periods apply to others. CS crisis and US bank failures have shown that a deposit insurance system can hardly prevent a «bank run» when clients lose confidence. The answer to the challenge of institutional investors rapidly withdrawing high volumes of funds and thus causing liquidity bottle­necks for the banks has yet to be found. Switzerland has a sustainable, robust as well as resilient system and complies with international requirements. The depositor protection is still based on two solid pillars «recovery» («Will I get my money?») and «speed» («How quickly will I get my money?»). Selective improvements in…
