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Suchergebnisse für Aktienrechtsrevision

101 Ergebnisse gefunden


Anspruch auf Sicherstellung bei Kapitalherabsetzung und Liquidation

The article analyses the creditor’s right to ask for his/her claim to be secured in the procedures of capital ­decrease and liquidation. The strict and very similar rules in both procedures aim to protect the creditors. The authors conclude that a creditor’s right to ask for security shall be subject to the same requirements in both procedures. In this article, the authors state the following: (i…
Dr. iur. Markus Vischer LL.M., Alice Vorburger M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 3/2019 | S. 264

Transparenz von Aktionärbindungsverträgen und Gesellschafte­r­bindungsverträgen in Kapitalgesellschaften

A shareholders’ or members’ agreement is a contract concluded by some or all shareholders or members of a company, eventually with the involvement of the company itself, in order to arrange their legal position complementary to or differing from the relevant company law framework. Although dogmatically diverging, the contractual provisions and company law norms often form a unity. However,…

Fortress Europe: Die Äquivalenzverfahren der EU im Bereich der Finanzdienstleistungen

The European Union is by far the most important ­market for Swiss cross-border financial services. So far, the key strategy for market access has been to tailor Swiss financial regulation so as to achieve equivalence with EU law. However, the analysis of the current equivalence procedures reveals that equivalence is not the door opener one had hoped for. Core activities such as deposit-taking,…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Andrea Bigler MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | S. 155

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown – Zur Rolle des Verwaltungsrates in schweizerischen Publikumsgesellschaften

The board of directors of a Swiss public company is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Shareholders breathe down directors’ necks with earnings expectations, but the results are delivered by an executive management under the board’s control rather than by the board itself. The executives who run the business on a day-to-day basis know the company better than the board. This allows them to…

Global agieren, lokal profitieren – und keine Verantwortung?

The debate about responsible business conduct has gained new momentum in Switzerland due to the responsible business initiative («Konzernverantwortungsinitiative») which triggered the drafting of a counter-­proposal by the National Council in the context of the ongoing revision of the company law. This contribution situates this debate in the relevant international con­text. The analysis’ focus…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christine Kaufmann
SZW-RSDA 4/2018 | S. 329

Die Regelung von Interessenkonflikten im Aktienrecht de lege lata und de lege ferenda

Conflicts of interest are a threat to the functioning of the board of directors and the management of a public limited company. This paper looks into the legal regime applicable in cases of a conflict of interest while dealing with third parties. It then tries to establish rules to safeguard an internal decision-making process solving conflicts of interest. Finally it assesses the effectiveness…

Wie die Arbeit, so der Lohn – Vergütung in privaten und kotierten Gesellschaften

Rising executive pay is a vital topic for shareholders, proxy advisors, academics and the wider public. It is worth noting that the remuneration of auditors for their audit services has hardly attracted shareholder attention even though falling audit fees may be a reason for weaknesses in corporate control. In this perspective it looks like an anomaly that the remuneration of the party…

Aktuelle Rechtsprechung zum Aktienrecht

Over the last two years, Swiss company law jurisprudence has been subject to numerous developments and clarifications. The following article discusses selected examples of recent federal and cantonal case law. A first section deals with a Federal Supreme Court decision on the attribution of company bodies’ knowledge to the legal entity. It provides an in-depth analysis of the de­cision and sets…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Patricia Reichmuth MLaw
SZW-RSDA 4/2018 | S. 406

Funktion(en) des Aktienrechts – vom Organisationsrecht zum Katalysator der Gesellschaftspolitik?

Swiss Corporate Law (Articles 620 et seq. of the Swiss Code of Obligations) is undergoing permanent changes since the 19th century. Originally, these articles provided the legal basis for structuring and organizing corporations in the most efficient way – not more; therefore, the main focus was placed on protection of investors (i.e. the legal protection for both shareholders and creditors). Over…

Ausdehnung der Tragweite statutarischer Schiedsklauseln bei Kapitalgesellschaften

Der in Deutschland domizilierte A. (Kläger) gründete im Jahr 2004 mit dem heute in der Schweiz wohnhaften B. (Beklagter) und C. die D. GmbH mit Sitz in T., Schweiz. In Art. 26 der Statuten wurde eine…
Richard G. Allemann M.A. HSG, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2018 | S. 215

Editorial | Éditorial

Die Digitalisierung wirkt sich nicht bloss auf die Wirtschaft und auf andere Bereiche der Gesellschaft aus, sondern setzt auch das Recht unter Druck, seine eigenen Ausgestaltungsformen an die sich…
Prof. Dr. iur. Marc Amstutz, Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf H. Weber
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | S. 3

Die virtuelle Generalversammlung

On November 23, 2016, the Federal Council published its proposal for a revised law on companies limited by shares. This article deals with the virtual general assembly, one of the key aspects in the pursued modernisation of the general assembly in the context of the proposed revision. First, it addresses the proposed amendments regarding the virtual general assembly. Second, the article analyzes…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Thomas Grob MLaw
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | S. 5


The Bill of 2016 for a revision of the Swiss Corporation Law addresses, with new and quite lengthy dispositions, the thorny problem of corporate reorganizations in the event of upcoming financial difficulties. On the one hand, the classical and quite formal equity-related ­approach of European Continental Law to prevent ­«unlawful trading» is maintained, i.e. the Board’s duty to take immediate…
Prof. em. Dr. iur. Peter Böckli
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 524

Financement intragroupe et Cash Pooling : Quelle évolution ?

Cross-financing between affiliated companies, a subject at the heart of a group’s strategy, is a daily reality that remains largely ignored by current law and jurisprudence. The latest developments in court decisions seem to increase the discrepancy between the economic needs of the group and the legal requirements for protection of capital of each entity. Thus, since the Swisscargo ruling of the…


2017 was a special year for Swiss listed companies. Several compensation reports met fierce resistance from shareholders and proxy advisors, and in one case, a binding vote on executive compensation was rejected. The 2017 proxy season has shown that shareholders do not appreciate compensation models in which osten­sibly pay and performance are not related. Also, the season has shown that over…
Dr. iur. Daniel Daeniker LL.M., lic. iur. Joy Malka
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 564

Stimmrechtsaktien und andere bevorzugte Aktien

There are many ways to grant privileges to specific categories of shareholders and one can distinguish between financial privileges and privileged voting rights in the general assembly of all shareholders. In future, this is to remain unchanged, and accordingly the November 2016 draft of Swiss Law on corporations does not propose any decisive modifications. With regards to the new rules for…
Prof. em. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 576

Das Aktienkapital im Entwurf zur Aktienrechtsrevision

On November 23, 2016, the Federal Council published its proposal for a revised law on companies limited by shares. This article deals with the share capital, one of the key aspects of the proposed revision. First, it addresses the specific characteristic of Swiss law, according to which shares have a nominal value. Second, the article analyzes how the procedures of capital changes are regulated in…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Linus Cathomas M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 586

Vorschläge zur Aktienrechtsrevision

On November 23, 2016, the Federal Council published its proposal for a revised law on companies limited by shares. After the proposal was mainly well received it’s ready to take the next step: Since the Legal Affairs Committees decided to enter into the proposal the National Council will probably hold discussions 2017 (Winter Session). This year’s SZW Conference strongly focused on the proposal…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Luca Angstmann MLaw
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 607

Vinkulierung an der Bruchstelle zwischen kotierter Gesellschaft und nicht kotierten Aktionären

This article contains a selective analysis of the current system of share transfer restrictions (Vinkulierung), in particular with regard to the scope of application of the relevant provisions in relation to direct and indirect investments in publicly held companies, that has raised public interest in connection with the “Sika”-case. The authors illustrate the current state of established…
Dr. iur. Dieter Gericke LL.M., Dr. iur. Valentin Jentsch LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 618

Corporate Social Responsibility

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility demands that companies comply with ethical standards with regard to human rights and the protection of the environment wherever they are active and that they, in general, respect the interests of society at large in their business. This concept is promoted by the UN in the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights. While Swiss law obliges…
Prof. Dr. iur. Urs Schenker LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2017 | S. 635

Besserstellung der Revisionsstelle in der aktienrechtlichen Verantwort­lichkeit? – Prozessrechtliche Bemerkungen zu Art. 759 Abs. 2 E-OR

The draft for the revision of the stock corporation law proposes to limit auditor liability. In case the audit firm has merely caused damage by negligence, it shall be liable only up to the amount it would have to pay due to a recourse claim (draft art. 759 (2) CO). The proposal, which dates back to 1983, does not reliably limit auditor liability. This is because art. 148 (3) CO provides that…

Sacheinlage- und Sachübernahmevertrag

The contribution in kind agreement is a contract not specifically classified in the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO). According to the prevailing legal opinion the contribution in kind agreement has to be interpreted in line with contractual instead of company law principles. It is widely recognised that the contribution in kind agreement has a close affiliation with the contract of exchange. Based…
Dr. iur. Markus Bösiger
SZW-RSDA 4/2017 | S. 398

Vorbereitung und Durchsetzung von Aktionärsklagen: Wie kann die Informationsasymmetrie überwunden werden?

In order to improve the enforcement of directors’ liability in solvent companies, it is necessary to improve the access of shareholders to information in order to prepare a derivative suit. The Swiss company law revision project of 2016 provides such improvements by lowering the conditions under which a special audit can be appointed by the court (art. 697a seq. CO). However, the applicants…

Die Bilanzierung des Eigenkapitals im Einzelabschluss von Kapitalgesellschaften

This essay shows how the equity capital of a corporation or a limited liability company must be presented in the balance sheet pursuant to the new Swiss accounting law. The structure of the article follows the individual items of the equity capital, whereby a balance sheet prepared in Swiss francs is assumed. It has been concluded that the supposedly comprehensive accounting law provisions…

Erwerb eigener börsenkotierter Aktien

When a company buys own shares, it reimburses the paid-in capital. Before 2013 own shares were always a mixture of a profit-sharing and a purchase of an asset. In 2013 this changed completely; own shares are no longer assets and can no longer be capitalized. This decision of the legislator, that own shares are a form of profit-sharing, has various consequences: the shareholder must treated…
Prof. Dr. iur. Lukas Handschin
SZW-RSDA 3/2017 | S. 291

Der Stichentscheid in der Generalversammlung unter dem Aspekt des Gebots der schonenden Rechtsausübung

Die Hotel A. AG in U. bezweckt hauptsächlich die ­Verwaltung des Hotels A. in Baden. Ihr Aktienkapital von CHF 500 000 ist aufgeteilt in 380 Stammaktien zu CHF 1000 und 1200 Stimmrechtsaktien zu CHF…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Merens Cahannes MLaw, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2017 | S. 381

Kernfragen der Aktienrechtsrevision

On November 23, 2016, the Federal Council published its proposal for a revised law on companies limited by shares. This article deals with four key aspects of the proposed revision. First, it addresses the proposed amendments regar­ding the capital structure. The authors thereby focus on the rules for capital increases, decreases and the possibility to introduce a so called «capital band». Secon…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Luca Angstmann MLaw
SZW-RSDA 1/2017 | S. 3

Corporate Governance auf der Blockchain

It is within the context of crypto-currencies that Blockchain first gained importance as a new technology. In the meantime, it has been recognized that this technology can also be used in the corporate environment. Such usage would have significant effects on corporate governance within companies (for example, in connection with the transparency of ownership, the handling of voting rights,…
Prof. Dr. Alexander F. Wagner, Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf H. Weber
SZW-RSDA 1/2017 | S. 59

Editorial | Éditorial

Thema der SZW-Aktienrechtstagung 2016 vom 14. Ju­ni 2016 in Zürich war die Willensbildung in der Generalversammlung. Die Referierenden setzten sich dabei mit Funktion und Bedeutung der Generalversamm…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2016 | S. 433

Stimmenmehrheit unter Verdacht: Wege und Irrwege im aktienrechtlichen Minderheitenschutz

Recent developments in the area of corporation law ­indicate a dichotomy between calls for more “shareholder democracy” and an increasing suspicion about “shareholders’ majority decisions”. Corporations have to date been governed following the model of “subjection of the minority to the majority”, with the steady approval of the courts. This guiding principle, which is at the core of a…

Le principe d’immédiateté au sein de l’assemblée générale

Traditionally, the general meeting of shareholders was viewed as the ideal place where shareholders take their decisions based on the expression of their contradicting views. Today, the shareholders meeting is no longer a forum where shareholders exchange ideas, but a place where votes are registered and results are communicated. Shareholders take their decisions prior to the general meeting…

Aktienrechtliche Notariatspraxis: Frequently Asked Questions

Within the context of a general meeting of shareholders, the notary public assumes various duties. He/she counsels and informs his/her clients in preparation of the meeting. During the meeting he/she is in charge of preparing the notarized deed and minutes all the statements and decisions of the parties. The notary public does not get involved in the content of the meeting but he/she may…

Aktuelle Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts zum Aktienrecht

During the last two years the Federal Supreme Court issued over 30 company-law cases. The following article discusses two particularly relevant topics of this remarkably rich jurisprudence. A first section deals with cases in which the court had to assess business decisions (in doctrine also referred to as cases of “business judgment rule”). This section provides an in-depth analysis of the three…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Melanie Gottini MLaw
SZW-RSDA 5/2016 | S. 512

Assainissements dans le cadre d’un sursis concordataire ­(assainissements-sursis)

Although the Parliament has declined, a bit by accident, the proposal of the Federal Council to get rid of the provisions on the adjournment of bankruptcy (725a CO), it is again proposed deleting them in the context of the contemplated revision of corporate law. The question therefore is why, despite the revision aiming to facilitate restructuring (art. 293 ss LP), companies apparently continue…

Der Konzern im neuen Rechnungslegungsrecht

As of January 1st, 2016 the new Swiss financial reporting law is fully applicable to groups of companies, leading to a more thorough regulation of their reporting rules. This foremost brings fundamental changes with regard to the preparation of consolidated annual accounts. Basis thereof is, that the duty to provide such accounts is no longer tied to the requirement of «common management» …
Prof. Dr. iur. Lukas Glanzmann LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | S. 32

Konzernverantwortungsinitiative: Grenzenlose Verantwortlichkeit?

This article discusses a recently launched popular initiative, that aims at ensuring that companies domiciled in Switzerland respect human rights and environmental standards in their activities worldwide. To achieve this objective binding due diligence obligations for companies shall be anchored in the Swiss constitution. An in-depth analysis of the proposed provision and the explanations thereto…

Das Finanzmarktaufsichtsrecht Mitte 2014 bis ins vierte Quartal 2015

«Jedes Modell stösst an seine Grenzen»: Unter diesem Titel hat der FINMA-Direktor anlässlich der Jahresmedienkonferenz der Behörde vom 31. März 2015 «die allgemeine Modellgläubigkeit in der Bankenbranche» diagnostiziert.1 Statt noch mehr und komplexere Modelle wünscht er sich «weniger und einfachere Modelle». Angesichts des Umstandes, dass interne Modelle zur Berechnung der…

Editorial | Éditorial

Das schweizerische Aktienrecht befindet sich seit Jahrzehnten im Zustand einer «permanenten Revision». Bereits kurz nach Inkrafttreten der letzten grossen Aktienrechtsrevision am 1. Juli 1992 setzte…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2015 | S. 433

Montesquieu en droit des sociétés anonymes : le principe de la parité constitue-t-il une distribution des pouvoirs bénéfiques ou plutôt un lit de Procuste ?

The current system of distribution of powers is governed by the “parity principle”, which provides that a defined number of powers are vested exclusively with the board of directors. The board is responsible for the accomplishment of these “inalienable” powers, the shareholders may not give any instructions or guidance to the board in this respect. The principle suffers only very few exceptions…

Ist die aktienrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit noch zeitgemäss?

An analysis of the board members’ and directors’ liability law shows that its present form has significant deficits: Confronting board members with a liability excee­ding their individual risk capacity causes risk adversity and a crowding out effect within the pool of potential board members. In the light of these functional deficits, it does not come as a surprise that the track record of…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Felix Buff MLaw
SZW-RSDA 5/2015 | S. 444

Gleichstellung – Ein aktienrechtliches Thema

Article 734e of the Preliminary Draft demands that each gender is represented with at least 30% of the members of the board of directors and the executive committee of large listed companies. Companies that do not comply with this obligation must describe the reasons for such failure and the measures they will take to advance the underrepresented gender in their compensation reports. Although the…
PD Dr. iur. Urs Schenker LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2015 | S. 469

Der «aktuelle Liquiditätsplan» des Vorentwurfs – Ein neuer Fokus für Verwaltungsrat und Revisor in einer drohenden Finanznotlage

The current draft for a revised Corporation Law includes a complete overhaul of the provisions dealing with a financial crisis situation. So far, initiatives to be taken by the Board are triggered exclusively by a massive loss of equity (measured against share capital and legal reserves). The proposed law intends to focus the Board’s attention on liquidity problems and introduces a «liquidity…

Proxy Advisors – Fluch oder Segen in der Corporate Governance?

The role of proxy advisors in the governance of listed companies has triggered criticism ranging from “box ticking” to “empty voting” and has sparked an intense debate on how to address these concerns. The author takes the view that – for the time being – proxy advisors are not a topic for the regulator. Many institutional investors owe their beneficiaries a fiduciary duty based on which they are…

Gouvernance des sociétés de famille – Quels sont les enjeux ?

The current corporate law revision aims namely at improving good governance rules. In this respect, the preliminary Federal Council draft bill, for which the consultation process was opened back in November 2014, puts forward several measures aiming at strengthening the protection of minority shareholders. The author considers that the existing shortcomings in the governance of private companies…

Rückerstattung von Leistungen nach Art. 678 OR

Under the existing law, restitution claims as set out in art. 678 of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) have been rarely invoked. Reasons for this are the strict requirements of art. 678 para. 2 CO and, more importantly, deficiencies in the procedural incentive structure. In the present article, controversial issues regarding the existing law are analysed and commented on, followed by a discussion…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Yves Mauchle M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 3/2015 | S. 199

Proxy Advisors: Risikolose Stimmenmacht mit Checklisten

Over the last ten years Proxy Advisors have continually enhanced their role as major players in shareholders’ meetings of Swiss public companies. In correlation with the ever increasing percentage of listed shares owned by Institutional Shareholders – 50%–70% and more in typical cases –, a power transfer is developing to advisors wielding factual voting clout without bearing investment risk.
em. Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Böckli
SZW-RSDA 3/2015 | S. 209

Aktienrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit im Konkurs: Einschränkung der Klageberechtigung

Der Kläger C war seit Dezember 2008 bei der D AG angestellt. Er erledigte für diese verschiedene Reinigungs- sowie Unterhaltsarbeiten. Am 8. August 1999 erkrankte C und wurde auf unbestimmte Zeit zu…
Felix Buff MLaw, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2015 | S. 269