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"…" (Phrasensuche)
Wenn Sie ein Wort oder eine Wortfolge in Anführungszeichen setzen, werden nur Treffer mit genau diesem Wort oder Wortfolgen derselben Reihenfolge und Form gefunden.
Beispiel: "Ist der Arbeitnehmer nur teilweise an der Arbeitsleistung" -->findet genau diesen Satzteil.
Um konkrete Entscheide und/oder Gesetzesartikel zu finden, verwenden Sie bitte immer den Suchoperator  "..."
Beispiel: "1C_144/2017"   oder   "Art. 12 ZGB"  --> findet genau diesen Entscheid/Gesetzesartikel
AND, &&
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die alle gewählten Suchbegriffe enthalten und mit den Operatoren (AND, &&) verbunden sind.
Beispiel: recht AND ordnung recht && ordnung
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OR, ||
Es werden alle Treffer angezeigt, die mindestens einen mit (OR, ||) verbundenen Suchbegriff enthalten.
Beispiel: recht OR ordnung  recht || ordnung
NOT, -
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die den gewählten Suchbegriff mit vorangehendem Operator (NOT, -) NICHT enthalten.
Beispiel: recht NOT ordnung  recht - ordnung
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Beispiel: w?rt  --> findet wert, wort, …
Der " * " vor einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die mit dieser Zeichenfolge enden; der " * " nach einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die so beginnen.
Beispiel: *anwalt  --> findet Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, …; Aktien* --> findet Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, …

Suchergebnisse für MiFID II

47 Ergebnisse gefunden


Schutz der Kundenvermögen durch Segregation

Swiss financial market law contains various provisions that serve to protect client assets by means of segregation. With regard to the custody of intermediated securities, a revision entered into force on 1 January 2023: Art. 11a of the Federal Act on Intermediated Securities (FISA) now stipulates an obligation for custodians to hold their own securities and those of their account holders in…
Dr. iur. Lukas Fahrländer
SZW-RSDA 1/2024 | S. 63

Berücksichtigung von ESG-Präferenzen im Finanzdienstleistungs­geschäft

On 1 January 2023, the Swiss Bankers Association’s «Guidelines for the financial service providers on the integration of ESG-preferences and ESG-risks into investment advice and portfolio management» entered into force. This marks the first binding Swiss (self-)regulation on Sustainable Finance at the point of sale. One of the key amendments includes the financial service providers’ duty to…
Dr. iur. Lukas Fahrländer, Dr. iur. David Jost
SZW-RSDA 2/2023 | S. 120

L’intermédiation en assurance : quelques considérations à la lumière de la révision partielle de la loi fédérale sur la surveillance des institutions d’assurance privées (LSA)

The Federal Act of 17 December 2004 on the Oversight of Insurance Companies (IOA) underwent a partial revision which was adopted by the parliament on March 18, 2022. The entry into force is planned for July 1, 2023, after the ordinance has been updated following the consultation procedure that ended in December 2022. This partial revision responds to developments that have occurred in the…

Decentralized Exchanges: Grundlagen, Risiken und ausgewählte aufsichtsrechtliche Aspekte

Decentralized exchanges (DEX) enable traders to interact directly and to exchange their digital assets – such as cryptocurrencies – on a peer-to-peer basis without needing to trust an intermediary or each other. This article first delves into the functioning of DEX with a focus on their price-finding mechanisms. Subsequently, it outlines the main risks of DEX and gives an overview of certain…
Dr. iur. Claude Humbel LL.M., Dr. iur. Fabrice Eckert LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2023 | S. 10

Open Finance und Decentralized Finance – Entwicklungen in einem disruptiven Finanzmarktumfeld

The recent technological developments not only impact society in general but they also strongly influence financial markets, even in a disruptive way. Open finance and decentralized finance cause an opening of the financial ecosystem and challenge existing notions; for example, new concepts are needed for the regulation of data access/portability and of digital identity as well as for the…

Do Robots Rule Wealth Management? A Brief Legal Analysis of Robo-Advisors

What are the legal duties of robo-advisors in Switzerland? In this article, we focus on the legal framework arising from Swiss financial market law, contract law and data protection law. We also make a comparison with European law. We first explain how robo-advisors work and conclude that, contrary to what their name may suggest, they are primarily portfolio managers. As financial service providers…


Am 31. August 2021 fand die 13. Tagung «Quo Vadis – Finanzplatz Schweiz?» unter der Leitung von Rolf Sethe und Christoph B. Bühler statt.
Prof. Dr. iur. Christoph B. Bühler LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2021 | S. 644

EU-Product-Governance – Ein Vorbild für die Schweiz?

In 2020 the Financial Services Act (FinSA) entered into force. The provisions on rules of conduct and organizational duties are more or less based on the provisions of MiFID II. However, the regulatory complex on product governance has not been adopted by the Swiss legislator. This article examines whether this decision was convincing. As a result, it turns out to be wise, because the EU-product…
Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf Sethe LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2021 | S. 646

DLT-basierte Finanzprodukte

DLT-based financial products are digitally created assets that can be transferred and stored on a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) infrastructure. Internationally, such digitally stored «tokens» are mostly referred to as «crypto assets»; however, there is still a lack of recognized, clear and internationally uniform definitions. Parallel to the spread of crypto assets being treated according…
Prof. em. Dr. iur. Rolf H. Weber, Rainer Baisch MLaw et Dipl.-Kaufm. (univ.)
SZW-RSDA 6/2021 | S. 683

Informationspflichten bei der Kapitalanlage – von einzelfallbezogenen und von allgemein gehaltenen Informationen

When it comes to information obligations of financial service providers, the distinction between case-by-case information and generic information is of fundamental importance. While generic information obligations are typically fulfilled by publishing a brochure online and therefore hardly bring any benefit for investors, case-by-case information obligations usually lead to an improved…

Das Finanzmarktaufsichtsrecht vom vierten Quartal 2020 bis ins vierte Quartal 2021

Nachhaltige Finanzanlagen erfreuen sich stark steigender Nachfrage.1 Wo viel Business ist, ist der Missbrauch oftmals nicht weit. Angesichts der derzeitigen hohen Intransparenz, ob und inwiefern einzelne Finanzanlagen gewisse Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, hat der Finanzminister schon öffentlich gewarnt: «Die Gefahr von Greenwashing ist gross.»2 Dementsprechend besteht seitens der…

Angemessenheits- und Eignungsprüfung nach FIDLEG

On 1 January 2020 the Financial Services Act (FinSA) entered into force. Depending on the service offered the new supervisory law obliges investment advisors and portfolio managers to conduct an appropriateness test or a suitability test. This article evaluates the new regime and compares it with the relevant contractual duties and the provisions of the European supervisory law.
Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf Sethe LL.M., Dr. iur. Lukas Fahrländer
SZW-RSDA 6/2020 | S. 631

Credit Scoring, AML Software & Risk Profiling: Automatisierte Entscheidungen im Rahmen von Finanzdienstleistungen

Techniques of automated decision making, including profiling are, no doubt, also of interest to financial service providers. This essay describes three such applications (credit scoring, transaction monitoring for AML purposes, risk profiling for investors) and discusses their possible compliance with the requirements under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, as well as the proposed new…

Mystery Shopping als Teil der Compliance

In this paper we argue that mystery shopping shall be part of the compliance in the financial services industry. Laws like FIDLEG try to regulate the conduct of ­financial service providers, which is checked by written documentation. However, there are substantial doubts that those documents do not correctly reflect the interaction between advisor and customer. Based on the­ ­example of the…
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hens, Dr. Andreas Ritter
SZW-RSDA 6/2019 | S. 568

Grenzüberschreitendes Angebot von Finanzdienstleistungen und -produkten? Die Eidgenossenschaft schlägt zurück

Until recently, Switzerland applied a strict territorial approach to regulating financial services with a handful of a notable exceptions. After facing protectionist movements from other…

L’émission d’actions digitalisées comme moyen de financement de l’innovation et des PME

Switzerland is a world-leading nation in terms of entrepreneurship and promotion of innovation. Its universities produce a high number of start-ups. Its economy is based on a web of small and medium-sized companies, which make for the bulk of the country’s economic activity. Paradoxically though, the Swiss capital markets are relatively inefficient in channeling savings to companies. Only a…

Crowdinvesting mittels Initial Coin Offering – Regulierungsaufgaben im -Token-Universum

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are a phenomenon with similar characteristics as the cryptocurrency boom. Projects that typically have no history of producing a product or revenue raise capital by issuing their own tokens to investors. Therefore, the Federal Council adopted in December 2018 a report on the legal framework for blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the financial…
Prof. Dr. iur., em. Rolf H. Weber, Dipl.-Kfm. Rainer Baisch MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | S. 135

Fortress Europe: Die Äquivalenzverfahren der EU im Bereich der Finanzdienstleistungen

The European Union is by far the most important ­market for Swiss cross-border financial services. So far, the key strategy for market access has been to tailor Swiss financial regulation so as to achieve equivalence with EU law. However, the analysis of the current equivalence procedures reveals that equivalence is not the door opener one had hoped for. Core activities such as deposit-taking,…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Andrea Bigler MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | S. 155

Die Pflichten der Finanzdienstleister im Anlagegeschäft – Ein Ausblick auf die künftigen Bestimmungen des FIDLEG

A. (nachfolgend Beschwerdeführer) eröffnete am 14. Dezember 2006 ein Konto und ein Depot bei der Bank B. AG (nachfolgend Beschwerdegegnerin) und unterhielt die Bankenkundenbeziehung bis im Jahr 2015…
Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M., Fleur Baumgartner MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | S. 225


FIDLEG, FINIG, Anlegerschutz, Kundenberatung und internationale Harmonisierung sind gewichtige Kern­themen der neueren Finanzmarktregulierung. Die Eidgenössischen Räte haben die beiden neuen…
lic. iur. Charlotte M. Baer
SZW-RSDA 5/2018 | S. 449

Das FIDLEG-Prospektrecht ante portas – Guter Anlegerschutz?

The new Financial Services Act (FinSA) will introduce Switzerland’s first comprehensive prospectus regime. While conceptually modeled after the European Union’s Prospectus Directive and its recent replacement, the Prospectus Regulation, the new Swiss prospectus regime employs traditional Swiss legislation techniques and, constructively, abstains from specifically regulating every detail. The…

Transaktionsbezogene vs. portfoliobezogene Anlageberatung unter FIDLEG: keine einfache Abgrenzung

With the entry into force of the Financial Services Act (FinSA) on 1 January 2020 the transaction-related ­investment advice will be introduced as a new category of investment advice to be distinguished from the portfolio-related investment advice. The correct differentiation between the two types of investment recommendations is crucial to determine the scope of application of the suitability…
PD Dr. iur. Sandro Abegglen LL.M., Léonie Luterbacher Mlaw
SZW-RSDA 5/2018 | S. 462

Dienstleisterketten beim Erbringen von Finanzdienstleistungen: ­Aufsichtsrechtliche Erfassung durch das FIDLEG und vertragsrechtliche ­Haftung der Depotbank

On June 15, 2018 the Parliament passed the new Financial Services Act (FinSA) which presumably will enter into force by the beginning of 2020. The FinSA states new regulatory conduct rules that will apply to financial services providers vis-à-vis their clients. In cases where several financial services providers are involved in the provision of a financial service, the question arises of who has…

La classification des clients selon la loi sur les services financiers

This article looks at the client categorisation system ­reflected in the new Swiss Federal Act on Financial ­Services. Firstly, it defines the notion of client classification before highlighting similar classification mechanisms already existing under the current law. The article goes on to detail the three categories of clients, namely private, professional and institutional, as well as the…

Compliance-Anforderungen für Schweizer Asset Manager alternativer ­Investmentfonds

The European Directive 2011/61/EU (AIFMD) was a reaction of the European legislator to the financial ­crisis of 2007/2008. The Directive aims to provide for a harmonized and stringent regulatory and supervisory framework for the activities within the EU of all Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM). Due to its fund manager focused approach, AIFMD imposes authorization requirements and…


Am 23. August 2018 feierte die Tagung «Quo Vadis – Finanzplatz Schweiz?» ihr zehnjähriges Jubiläum. Die beiden Tagungsleiter, Peter Nobel und Rolf H. ­Weber, nahmen dies zum Anlass, die Leitung…
Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf H. Weber, lic. iur. Charlotte M. Baer
SZW-RSDA 6/2018 | S. 585

Ist die neue Finanzmarkt­regulierung funktionsfähig?

The article describes the causes of financial market crises. It assesses the advantages and disadvantages of the legislative measures taken since the crisis of 2007/­2008. Finally, it outlines what additional or alternative measures could be taken to increase the stability of the financial markets and to improve supervision.
Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf Sethe LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2018 | S. 605

Bankgeschäfte nach der Krise: Safer, simpler, fairer?

Ten years after the global financial crisis, the Financial Stability Board reports that regulation has built a «safer, simpler and fairer financial system». While there are indeed notable improvements in the regulatory architecture, the question remains whether banking, as seen from a retail customer perspective, has become safer, simpler, and fairer. This article argues that, overall, retail…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Thirza Döbeli Mlaw
SZW-RSDA 6/2018 | S. 639


Access to the EU Single Market has always been a key concern of Swiss financial market policy. However, in the aftermath of the crisis, the EU has considerably tightened its third country regime by requiring a demonstration of «equivalent regulatory and supervisory frameworks». Given that the EU has recently implemented tougher sanctions throughout its Single Rulebook, obtaining favorable …
Prof. Dr. iur. Franca Contratto LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2018 | S. 653

Führen die neuen Technologien zur Disruption der Finanzmarktregulierung?

Technological developments and respective changes in business models require adaptations of the financial regulations. The need to adopt risk-oriented rules has become apparent already some time ago. Recently, regulators acknowledged the desirability of introducing innovation-supporting rules (for FinTech enterprises). The most disruptive effects, however, come from the new distributed ledger…

Derivatgeschäfte: Anwendung der FinfraG-Regulierung auf Schweizer Handels- und Industrieunternehmen

The Swiss rules on the conduct in connection with derivative transactions and trading set out in the Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading (FMIA) and its implementing ordinances were enacted more than two years ago, subject to applicable phase-in periods. However, when it comes to their applicability to commercial and industrial…
Dr. iur. Dieter Gericke LL.M., Vanessa Isler MLaw, Dr. iur. Stefan Kramer LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2018 | S. 232

Zum Anbieten kollektiver Kapitalanlagen unter dem FIDLEG – und ausgewählte Aspekte der dabei einzuhaltenden Verhaltenspflichten

The regulatory framework for the distribution of collective investment schemes (CIS) in (and from) Switzerland is currently set forth in one single act, the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA). The CISA sets out the product level requirements for CIS distributed in or from Switzerland, the requirements for persons distributing CIS, and the point of sale duties of such persons. As part of the…

Kundenvertrauen in Banken

Banking’s most important currency is customer trust. Two recent surveys show that customer trust is multifaceted and includes a foundational, an integrity-related, a practical and a strategic dimension. The strategic dimension is the most important, as it relates to the customers’ trust that the bank puts their needs and interests at the center of its activity. This contribution analyzes the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Thirza Döbeli Mlaw
SZW-RSDA 6/2017 | S. 752

Anlegerschutz durch Trennung?

Since the financial crisis, the attention of international standard-setters and supervisory authorities has increasingly turned to the segregation of financial market participants’ assets from those of their customers, with the latter being held either together with those of other indirect participants (omnibus customer account segregation) or separately (individual customer account segregation)…
PD Dr. iur. Nina Reiser LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2017 | S. 452

Das Finanzmarktstrafrecht der Schweiz – Status quo unter Einbezug der neusten Gesetzesänderungen, des internationalen Einflusses sowie der anstehenden Neuerungen

The incidents that contributed to the financial crisis and as outcome of this the increase of regulatory density, led as expected also to a rise of criminal provisions. As a result the penal situation for the financial market participants is becoming more and more complex. This overview of the financial market criminal law in Switzerland includes most recent legislative amendments, inter alia the…

Das Finanzmarktaufsichtsrecht vom vierten Quartal 2015 bis ins vierte Quartal 2016

Die «Too-big-to-fail» (TBTF)-Bestimmungen des Bankengesetzes sind seit dem 1. März 2012 in Kraft. Mit Art. 52 BankG hat der Gesetzgeber sichergestellt, dass kontinuierlich ein waches Auge auf die Regulierung systemrelevanter Institute fällt. Da die beiden Grossbanken im Vergleich zum Schweizer Bruttoinlandprodukt deutlich grösser sind als die zwei grössten Banken in anderen Ländern1 und…

Klagen gegen Finanzdienstleister im FIDLEG-Entwurf – ­eine kritische Würdigung

The draft Swiss Financial Services Act («Finanzdienst­leistungsgesetz»/«FIDLEG») aims at the improvement of customer protection. To that end, it also contains procedural rules that shall facilitate lawsuits of custo­mers. Customers do not have to advance court fees nor have to deposit a security for the counterparty’s costs. In certain situations, a customer is relieved from paying any litigation…
Dr. iur. Peter Reichart LL.M., Richard Meyer MLaw
SZW-RSDA 4/2016 | S. 390

Know Your Customer : Quo Vadis ?

Know your client (KYC) is now an essential due diligence requirement for all banking business. The concept only appeared relatively recently in legislation, however, in conjunction with increased efforts to combat organised crime and money laundering. For around 40 years, the scope and content of know your client has continued to expand, sometimes in stark contrast to other standards. This article…
lic. iur. Sylvain Matthey
SZW-RSDA 2/2016 | S. 123

The Elephant in the Chalet

Switzerland is currently reforming the legislative framework of its financial industry. The legislative ­debate is focused on gaining market access into the ­European Union through equivalence, understood as unilateral transposition of EU financial legislation by Switzerland. It is very much an “us against them” ­rhetoric which is erroneous on several levels: First of all, the discussion focuses…
Nicolas Tschopp, lic. iur. Yvonne Lenoir Gehl LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2016 | S. 151

Organisierte Handelssysteme im neuen FinfraG – Versuch einer ­regulatorischen Kategorisierung

The new Financial Market Infrastructures Act (FMIA) introduced a new regulatory framework for trading venues and organized trading that was inspired by EU regulations EMIR, MiFID II and MiFIR that concep­tually distinguishes between stock exchanges, multila­teral trading facilities (MTFs) and organized trading facilities (OTFs). Among these regulatory categories the OTF poses various difficulties…
Dr. iur. Simon Schären LL.M., Dr. iur. Günther Dobrauz-Saldapenna MBA, Dr. iur. Martin Liebi LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2016 | S. 194

Wettbewerb zwischen internationalen Standards

Competition between different standards can bring about efficiencies but the financial crisis has shown that the coordination and partial harmonization of these standards has advantages that are not to be underestimated. The following contribution analyses the possible competition of standards with a view towards the actors and the recipients of regulation. The theore­tical approach is clarified…
Prof. Dr. iur. Rolf H. Weber
SZW-RSDA 6/2015 | S. 579


Am 16. Juli 2015 hatte der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union (nachfolgend auch: «EuGH») Gelegenheit, seine Rechtsprechung zum Spannungsverhältnis zwischen dem Patentrecht und dem Wettbewerbsrecht zu präzisieren. In dem zu entscheidenden Fall (Rs. C-170/13) ging es im Kern um die Frage, ob bzw. unter welchen Voraussetzungen die Erhebung einer Klage durch einen Inhaber eines…
Prof. Dr. iur. Thomas Lübbig, Dr. iur. Christian Pitschas LL.M., Miriam le Bell LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 5/2015 | S. 536