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Die folgenden Operatoren können bei einer Suchabfrage zur logischen Verknüpfung Ihrer Suchbegriffe verwendet werden. Bei richtiger Anwendung der Operatoren führt dies zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung des Suchergebnisses.

"…" (Phrasensuche)
Wenn Sie ein Wort oder eine Wortfolge in Anführungszeichen setzen, werden nur Treffer mit genau diesem Wort oder Wortfolgen derselben Reihenfolge und Form gefunden.
Beispiel: "Ist der Arbeitnehmer nur teilweise an der Arbeitsleistung" -->findet genau diesen Satzteil.
Um konkrete Entscheide und/oder Gesetzesartikel zu finden, verwenden Sie bitte immer den Suchoperator  "..."
Beispiel: "1C_144/2017"   oder   "Art. 12 ZGB"  --> findet genau diesen Entscheid/Gesetzesartikel
AND, &&
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die alle gewählten Suchbegriffe enthalten und mit den Operatoren (AND, &&) verbunden sind.
Beispiel: recht AND ordnung recht && ordnung
Ein Leerschlag zwischen zwei Suchwörtern wird als AND-Operator interpretiert.
OR, ||
Es werden alle Treffer angezeigt, die mindestens einen mit (OR, ||) verbundenen Suchbegriff enthalten.
Beispiel: recht OR ordnung  recht || ordnung
NOT, -
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die den gewählten Suchbegriff mit vorangehendem Operator (NOT, -) NICHT enthalten.
Beispiel: recht NOT ordnung  recht - ordnung
Suchen Sie mit " ?  " nach verschiedenen Wörtern mit einem variablen Buchstaben an der Stelle des Fragezeichens.
Beispiel: w?rt  --> findet wert, wort, …
Der " * " vor einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die mit dieser Zeichenfolge enden; der " * " nach einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die so beginnen.
Beispiel: *anwalt  --> findet Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, …; Aktien* --> findet Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, …

Suchergebnisse für follow the money

24 Ergebnisse gefunden

Ihre Auswahl

Cyberattaque et ransomware: risques juridiques à payer et assurabilité des rançons

Legal risks of paying ransom following a ransomware attack need to be clarified, as such attacks are constant­ly increasing and victims always face the same dilemma: whether to pay the ransom or not? Insurability of ransomware needs also to be clarified, as some cyber insurance companies offer to cover the risk of ransomware without knowing whether such clauses are really insurable. This…

Innovation in Pharmaceutical Mergers: Looking for a Miracle Cure?

The European Commission’s approach to analysing the negative effects of a merger on competition has recently changed. Whereas for years, competition authorities have mainly focused on the effects of a merger on prices, the impact on output, or the creation or strengthening of a dominant position in a given market, they are now examining the effects of a merger on innovation. The analysis of the…

Consolidation in the Swiss Portfolio Management Industry – Selected Aspects of M&A Transactions

In the ongoing consolidation wave sweeping the wealth management industry in Switzerland and the rest of the world, Swiss portfolio managers have to be alert. Both as a potential buyer or seller, there are important points to keep in mind to gauge whether a share deal or asset deal is the right choice, whether the timing is right, and how to maximise the value of the transaction, while limiting…

Rechtsfragen des LIBOR-Wegfalls

For decades, the LIBOR has been the most widely used benchmark interest rate for financial contracts. At the end of 2021, following major manipulation scandals and a dwindling reliability of the rate as a benchmark, LIBOR will be discontinued for most currencies including the Swiss franc. As numerous LIBOR agreements such as credit agreements or capital market instruments (mainly OTC interest…
Prof. Dr. iur. Thomas Werlen LL.M., Jonas Hertner MLaw, Dusan Ivanovic MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2021 | S. 161

Banking and finance disputes: to arbitrate or not to arbitrate, that is the question

“It has been said that “[b]ankers have traditionally preferred judges to arbitrators”. Indeed, where banks or financial institutions are involved in a dispute, state courts have usually been preferred, while arbitration has, so far, often been overlooked. However, in the last decade, the financial landscape has endured colossal changes worldwide. The 2008 crisis led to a paradigm shift. Banks –…
Nicolas Ollivier, Caroline dos Santos MLaw, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2020 | S. 449

Corporate Purpose and Board of Directors: Means and Ends of Corporate Governance

(Enlightened) shareholder value is a widespread opinion among legal scholars and lawmakers in Switzerland. In other countries, we observe today a clear shift in favor of stakeholder governance. In this article, we advocate that shareholders are one among several constituencies that make possible the achievement of corporate purpose. Hence, corporate law and practice should promote corporate…

In the Business of Influence: Contractual Practices and Social Media Content Monetisation

In 2018, 300 hours of content were uploaded on Youtube every minute. Most of it is generated by regular people who share content for a living, and those who amass enough followers are known as influencers. Traditionally, media laws have controlled aired content. Nowadays, broadcasting decentralisation and social media trends such as influencer marketing challenge the rationale and application of…
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Catalina Goanta LL.M., M.sc, Dr. iur. Isabelle Wildhaber LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2019 | S. 346

Corporate Internal Investigations under Swiss Law: Information Gathering and Employee Interviews

The information gathering and review phase is fundamental to every corporate internal investigation. It forms the factual basis for the final report and legal considerations at a later stage of the investigation and provides evidence which might become relevant in a later civil, regulatory or criminal proceeding. It is therefore crucial that the data collection and interview phase is conducted in…
Dr. iur. Juerg Bloch LL.M., Lic. phil Nicole Gütling Mlaw
SZW-RSDA 3/2019 | S. 275

FINMA’s Enforcement in Court

This article presents an empirical and qualitative analy­sis of the judicial review of the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority’s (FINMA) enforcement of financial market laws by the Federal Administrative Court and the Federal Supreme Court. It is part of a broader research project on global enforcement against financial institutions and their managers and employees. Based on an overview…
Prof. Dr. Roy Gava, Prof. Dr. iur. Urs Zulauf
SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | S. 99

Crowdinvesting mittels Initial Coin Offering – Regulierungsaufgaben im -Token-Universum

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are a phenomenon with similar characteristics as the cryptocurrency boom. Projects that typically have no history of producing a product or revenue raise capital by issuing their own tokens to investors. Therefore, the Federal Council adopted in December 2018 a report on the legal framework for blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the financial…
Prof. Dr. iur., em. Rolf H. Weber, Dipl.-Kfm. Rainer Baisch MLaw
SZW-RSDA 2/2019 | S. 135