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"…" (Phrasensuche)
Wenn Sie ein Wort oder eine Wortfolge in Anführungszeichen setzen, werden nur Treffer mit genau diesem Wort oder Wortfolgen derselben Reihenfolge und Form gefunden.
Beispiel: "Ist der Arbeitnehmer nur teilweise an der Arbeitsleistung" -->findet genau diesen Satzteil.
Um konkrete Entscheide und/oder Gesetzesartikel zu finden, verwenden Sie bitte immer den Suchoperator  "..."
Beispiel: "1C_144/2017"   oder   "Art. 12 ZGB"  --> findet genau diesen Entscheid/Gesetzesartikel
AND, &&
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die alle gewählten Suchbegriffe enthalten und mit den Operatoren (AND, &&) verbunden sind.
Beispiel: recht AND ordnung recht && ordnung
Ein Leerschlag zwischen zwei Suchwörtern wird als AND-Operator interpretiert.
OR, ||
Es werden alle Treffer angezeigt, die mindestens einen mit (OR, ||) verbundenen Suchbegriff enthalten.
Beispiel: recht OR ordnung  recht || ordnung
NOT, -
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die den gewählten Suchbegriff mit vorangehendem Operator (NOT, -) NICHT enthalten.
Beispiel: recht NOT ordnung  recht - ordnung
Suchen Sie mit " ?  " nach verschiedenen Wörtern mit einem variablen Buchstaben an der Stelle des Fragezeichens.
Beispiel: w?rt  --> findet wert, wort, …
Der " * " vor einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die mit dieser Zeichenfolge enden; der " * " nach einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die so beginnen.
Beispiel: *anwalt  --> findet Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, …; Aktien* --> findet Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, …

Suchergebnisse für mesure de contrainte

27 Ergebnisse gefunden


L’application du droit des marchés publics à l’approvisionnement en électricité

In March 2021, the Competition Commission issued a recommendation pertaining to the application of public procurement law and the Federal Internal Market Act to the procurement of electricity. The purpose of this recommendation was to examine in which cases the purchase of electricity must be subject to public tenders; it clarified that public procurement law may apply in several instances to…

Identification des actionnaires, restrictions de transfert et « white listings »

Identification of shareholders is a topic that is governed by various layers of rules under Swiss law, which were adopted at different times to serve different purposes. Most of these rules were adopted at a time when the structure of capital markets was very different from what it is today, and before the digitalization of securities became a topic. Also, growing focus on the fight against money…
Dr. iur. Jacques Iffland, lic. iur. Vincent Huynh Dac M.A. HSG
SZW-RSDA 3/2023 | S. 335

Cyberattaque et ransomware: risques juridiques à payer et assurabilité des rançons

Legal risks of paying ransom following a ransomware attack need to be clarified, as such attacks are constant­ly increasing and victims always face the same dilemma: whether to pay the ransom or not? Insurability of ransomware needs also to be clarified, as some cyber insurance companies offer to cover the risk of ransomware without knowing whether such clauses are really insurable. This…

Marge de fluctuation du capital (art. 653s ss nCO) : de la sauvegarde des créanciers et des actionnaires, en particulier lors de l’acquisition par la SA de ses propres actions

As of the entry into force, on 1st January 2023, of the revised Swiss Limited Companies Law (« Aktiengesell­schaft », « société anonyme »), the margin of fluctuation of capital (« Kapitalband », « marge de fluctuation du capital ») will allow the general assembly of shareholders to authorise the board of directors to increase or reduce the share capital within a certain interval during a maximum…

Sanctions Américaines: Extraterritorialité et Risques Bancaires

A Swiss bank operating in the US must comply with applicable US laws. Difficulties may arise from the „off-shore“ application of US sanctions. The US sanctions regime is well known1, especially through the publications of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)2 and through the calls for caution issued by the banking supervisory authority3. This contribution provides an update on the…

Le rôle du représentant indépendant des actionnaires en droit suisse de la société anonyme, notamment à l’aune de la législation COVID et des assemblées générales virtuelles du nouveau droit

The independent proxy emerged in Swiss company law a few years ago through the back door of the Minder initiative (Article 95 Federal Constitution). This constitutional provision was then implemented by the Ordinance against Excessive Remuneration in Listed Companies Limited by Shares (ORAb), which has been in force since 1 January 2014. Its institution has been given a new lease of life with the…

Sociétés hybrides, entreprises sociales, B-Corp: Le droit suisse est-il approprié?

Entrepreneurs have to increasingly navigate in a world where they cannot ignore their accountability towards the SDGs and society in general. Companies in fact are expected to consider the interests of all stakeholders, and management is required to adopt a long-term and sustainable vision, in which making profits goes hand in hand with the necessity to create a positive impact. This trend is…
Vincent Pfammatter LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Henry Peter
SZW-RSDA 3/2021 | S. 289

Corporate Governance et liberté d’organisation

The question of limits to contractual freedom in corporate law is intensively discussed in connection with corporate governance. In that context, the tension between authority and accountability of the board of directors and the best way to address this issue in corporate law are two of the most controversial topics. Over these last years, the trend in almost all jurisdictions has been to…

Transparence des traitements de données personnelles opérés par les organes fédéraux: un pas en avant, deux en arrière

The recent revisions of European data protection instruments have been marked by the desire to give data subjects back control over their data, in particular by improving the transparency of data processing. The same desire for enhanced visibility and intelligibility has motivated the Swiss legislator in the revision of the Data Protection Act. The fact remains that the objective has only been…

Entreprises et Big Data: peut-on forcer les entreprises à partager leurs données non-personnelles (par des licences obligatoires ou des licences „FRAND“)?

In the digital age where big data is of key value, companies generate a massive amount of data and make intensive use of data. Given that companies may depend on the access to non-personal data (industrial data) held by other companies to remain competitive, the question arises as to whether companies should be forced to share their non-personal data with each other (B2B data sharing) on the…

Mise sous scellés et infractions financières: développements récents

The sealing of evidence is a procedural tool of great relevance, notably in the context of economic offences. The case law on this measure is important and sometimes uncertain. This is especially true in administrative criminal law: the practical importance of this area of law has been steadily increasing these past years while its procedural provisions appear to be outdated. This paper deals…

L’[in]effectivité du secret professionnel – Peut-on protéger le produit du travail du service juridique dans les procédures?

The protection of the legal department’s work product is closely linked to the professional privilege of in-house counsels. Such a privilege exists in the United States and many European countries but is non-existent, respectively non-effective in Switzerland. After the abandonment in 2010 of a new federal law aimed at regulating the in-house counsels status and inter alia granting them such a…

Seuils d’intervention ou examen ex post pour le contrôle des concentrations dans les marchés digitalisés?

Digital markets are open in principle. But network effects may rapidly favour the first successful entrant and establish high entry barriers for followers. In addition, the exchanges are often valued in data access rather than in traditional money terms. These characteristics challenge our merger control regimes. Mandatory notification systems are particularly vulnerable since merger projects in…

La digitalisation du point de vue des consommatrices et consommateurs

Digitalization from the consumer’s point of view can take several forms. Sharing economy, social networks, e-commerce: the digital world for consumers is a vast planet whose various aspects have to be understandable. And consumers cannot be summarized in only one category. This rapid development implies that our legislation must be adapted without hindering the ­dynamism of these markets…

Validité et efficacité de la clause shotgun en droit suisse

A shotgun clause establishes a mechanism intended to resolve deadlocks in companies with two shareholders with equal stakes. It enables one of the two shareholders to trigger a procedure which will ultimately result in the purchase of all the shares at a fair price. The offeror initiates the procedure by proposing a certain price for the shares. The offeree then decides whether to sell its shares…
lic. iur. Hubertus Hillerström MBA, Laure Burrus
SZW-RSDA 6/2018 | S. 696

Blanchiment d’argent: la banque face au risque pénal

This paper focuses on the main issues regarding the criminal liability of a bank for money laundering from a practical perspective. Substantive law as well as procedural aspects are considered. After an update on the practice of the criminal justice authorities, we examine the circle of agents able to trigger the liability of the ­corporation, notably in situations of outsourcing. Then,…

La communication de soupçons au MROS: du droit à l’obligation

Communication right in case of suspicion of money laundering was introduced in 1990 in the Swiss Criminal Code, despite opposition from the banking sector at that time. It has been completed, in 1998, by a duty to file a report with the Money Laundering Reporting ­Office Switzerland, when reasonable grounds to suspect that assets involved in the business relationship are linked to a criminal…

Réflexions critiques sur l’adoption par la Suisse des normes du GAFI en ­matière de transparence des sociétés : du bricolage législatif à l’abolition des actions au porteur ?

As a result of the revised FATF recommendations issued in 2012, Switzerland, under international pressure, had no choice but to enact requirements aiming at creating more transparency with regard to the ownership and control of limited by share companies. In this context, the widespread possibility for Swiss companies to issue bearer shares was particularly at stake. Switzerland inserted these…

La banque exposée aux prétentions de tiers : art. 402 CO et rétention ­d’actifs de clients

The so-called claw-back suits filed by the liquidators of Fairfield Sentry and other feeder funds involved in Bernard Madoff’s bankruptcy have prompted the defendant banks to secure their recourse against their clients by withholding money and other assets in their custody. This article analyses the legal basis for the retention of client assets under Swiss law. It concludes that, except when the…

Assainissements dans le cadre d’un sursis concordataire ­(assainissements-sursis)

Although the Parliament has declined, a bit by accident, the proposal of the Federal Council to get rid of the provisions on the adjournment of bankruptcy (725a CO), it is again proposed deleting them in the context of the contemplated revision of corporate law. The question therefore is why, despite the revision aiming to facilitate restructuring (art. 293 ss LP), companies apparently continue…

Conformité fiscale : obligations et responsabilité du client envers la banque

The responsibility of Swiss banks and other financial intermediaries in respect of their clients’ and client ­assets’ tax status have undergone a paradigmatic change. Banks need to manage their tax and criminal risks ­related to their clients. FATCA, the OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (CRS), and the implementing Swiss legislation impose strict duties on banks (and ­almost none on their clients)…

L’individu face à la surveillance financière suisse : état des lieux et ­discussion sur un assujettissement direct

This article analyses the legal position of individuals subject to the Swiss supervisory provisions. First, it discusses the emphasis and scrutiny placed on individuals when FINMA is considering the granting of authorisations to financial institutions. Secondly, the article analyses the development of legal requirements that apply to individuals as well as the strengthening of FINMA supervisory…

Das schweizerische Bankprivatrecht 2014–2015/Le droit bancaire privé suisse 2014–2015

Während sich auf der politischen Bühne langsam eine gewisse Entspannung rund um die unversteuerten Gelder auf Schweizer Bankkonten abzeichnet, ist die Rechtsprechung der vergangenen Berichtsperiode…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger, Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz, Martina Reber MLaw, Endrit Poda MLaw
SZW-RSDA 4/2015 | S. 386

Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development et Corporate ­Governance : quelles corrélations ?

Companies are not only members of civil society but are also integral and essential parties to the socio-economic context in which they develop. It is thus legitimate to wonder about their role and “societal” responsibility. The concept of corporate social responsibility is the idea that private companies are supposed to care not only about short-term profit in the interest of their shareholders…

Publicité des participations et principe de légalité – Mythe ou réalité ?

Instances in which non-compliance with financial regu­lations can give rise to a criminal liability are on the rise. This creates a tension between the need for flex­i­bility in the implementation of financial laws and the requirement that behaviours that may give rise to a criminal conviction be clearly defined by law. The rules on disclosure of shareholdings in listed companies are an example…