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Die folgenden Operatoren können bei einer Suchabfrage zur logischen Verknüpfung Ihrer Suchbegriffe verwendet werden. Bei richtiger Anwendung der Operatoren führt dies zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung des Suchergebnisses.

"…" (Phrasensuche)
Wenn Sie ein Wort oder eine Wortfolge in Anführungszeichen setzen, werden nur Treffer mit genau diesem Wort oder Wortfolgen derselben Reihenfolge und Form gefunden.
Beispiel: "Ist der Arbeitnehmer nur teilweise an der Arbeitsleistung" -->findet genau diesen Satzteil.
Um konkrete Entscheide und/oder Gesetzesartikel zu finden, verwenden Sie bitte immer den Suchoperator  "..."
Beispiel: "1C_144/2017"   oder   "Art. 12 ZGB"  --> findet genau diesen Entscheid/Gesetzesartikel
AND, &&
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die alle gewählten Suchbegriffe enthalten und mit den Operatoren (AND, &&) verbunden sind.
Beispiel: recht AND ordnung recht && ordnung
Ein Leerschlag zwischen zwei Suchwörtern wird als AND-Operator interpretiert.
OR, ||
Es werden alle Treffer angezeigt, die mindestens einen mit (OR, ||) verbundenen Suchbegriff enthalten.
Beispiel: recht OR ordnung  recht || ordnung
NOT, -
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die den gewählten Suchbegriff mit vorangehendem Operator (NOT, -) NICHT enthalten.
Beispiel: recht NOT ordnung  recht - ordnung
Suchen Sie mit " ?  " nach verschiedenen Wörtern mit einem variablen Buchstaben an der Stelle des Fragezeichens.
Beispiel: w?rt  --> findet wert, wort, …
Der " * " vor einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die mit dieser Zeichenfolge enden; der " * " nach einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die so beginnen.
Beispiel: *anwalt  --> findet Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, …; Aktien* --> findet Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, …

Suchergebnisse für right to appeal

30 Ergebnisse gefunden


Validité et efficacité de la clause shotgun en droit suisse

A shotgun clause establishes a mechanism intended to resolve deadlocks in companies with two shareholders with equal stakes. It enables one of the two shareholders to trigger a procedure which will ultimately result in the purchase of all the shares at a fair price. The offeror initiates the procedure by proposing a certain price for the shares. The offeree then decides whether to sell its shares…
lic. iur. Hubertus Hillerström MBA, Laure Burrus
SZW-RSDA 6/2018 | S. 696

Global agieren, lokal profitieren – und keine Verantwortung?

The debate about responsible business conduct has gained new momentum in Switzerland due to the responsible business initiative («Konzernverantwortungsinitiative») which triggered the drafting of a counter-­proposal by the National Council in the context of the ongoing revision of the company law. This contribution situates this debate in the relevant international con­text. The analysis’ focus…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christine Kaufmann
SZW-RSDA 4/2018 | S. 329

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. The above title might raise a few eyebrows. What is the relationship between the Coty case, which was decided at the end of 2017 by the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”),1 and the Gaba2 and BMW3 judgments handed down the same year by the Federal Tribunal? In addition to the fact that these three cases deal with vertical agreements, the first interesting point of comparison is that the ECJ…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. iur. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | S. 73

Relevance of WTO Law for Financial Services Lessons from “Argentina – Financial Services”

In the past debates about financial markets regulations the fact that most countries are Member States of the World Trade Organization (WTO) was often neglected. Through its recent decision “Argentina – Financial Services” the WTO Dispute Settlement Body now shifted the focus to the impact of WTO law on financial services. Even if very concrete findings have not been given, the assessment of the…

The Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Financial Services Regulation

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission seeks to regulate non-U.S. domiciled financial firms when U.S. investors’ interests are affected. In 2010, in Morrison v. National Australia Bank, the U.S. Supreme Court narrowed the circumstances when extraterritorial regulation is appropriate. Although most articles about the Morrison decision focus attention on when the SEC can sue non-U.S. firms for…

Swiss Bank Program: Non Prosecution Agreements Implementation & Beyond

The United States Department of Justice’s Swiss Bank Program undoubtedly accounts for one of the most ­ambitious global foreign enforcement of U.S. tax laws. The resulting Non-Prosecution Agreements – signed by a record of 80 banks – were reached after long, demanding internal investigations and cooperation efforts with U.S. authorities. But, these NPAs are not the end. To the contrary, they…
Olivier Unternaehrer LL.M., Aymeric Dumoulin J.D.
SZW-RSDA 2/2017 | S. 189

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. «Wettbewerbskomplexität»! After reading the 347-page long judgment handed down by the Federal Administrative Tribunal in the Swisscom ADSL price strategy case,1 one can only agree with the expression used by the court in its decision.2 Although an appeal before the Federal Tribunal is pending, we must emphasize the high quality of this judgment and, in particular, its clarity and educational…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2017 | S. 102

Towards Automatic Exchange of Information

This article describes the various steps that led towards automatic exchange of information as the global standard and the issues that remain to be solved. First, the various competing models of exchange information, such as Double Tax Treaty (DTT), TIEA’s, FATCA or UE Directives are described with a view to show how they interact between themselves. Second, the so-called Rubik Strategy is…
Prof. Dr. iur. Xavier Oberson
SZW-RSDA 2/2015 | S. 91

Standing and Passing-on in the New EU Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions

This article critically evaluates private enforcement of the competition rules in Switzerland and compares them to recent developments at EU level, particularly regarding indirect purchaser standing and the passing-on defence. The article addresses the question of whether, and under what conditions, the new EU Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions, along with the Recommendation on Common…

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

1. An in-depth reform of the Federal Law on Cartels and Other Competition Restraints1 should not be expected any time soon. On 17 September 2014, the National Council confirmed its decision of non-consideration, which, in accordance with Swiss parliamentary procedure, led to the closing of a long legislative process that started during the winter 2006/2007 with the mission entrusted to an expert…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Dr. Adrien Alberini LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2015 | S. 42