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Die folgenden Operatoren können bei einer Suchabfrage zur logischen Verknüpfung Ihrer Suchbegriffe verwendet werden. Bei richtiger Anwendung der Operatoren führt dies zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung des Suchergebnisses.

"…" (Phrasensuche)
Wenn Sie ein Wort oder eine Wortfolge in Anführungszeichen setzen, werden nur Treffer mit genau diesem Wort oder Wortfolgen derselben Reihenfolge und Form gefunden.
Beispiel: "Ist der Arbeitnehmer nur teilweise an der Arbeitsleistung" -->findet genau diesen Satzteil.
Um konkrete Entscheide und/oder Gesetzesartikel zu finden, verwenden Sie bitte immer den Suchoperator  "..."
Beispiel: "1C_144/2017"   oder   "Art. 12 ZGB"  --> findet genau diesen Entscheid/Gesetzesartikel
AND, &&
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die alle gewählten Suchbegriffe enthalten und mit den Operatoren (AND, &&) verbunden sind.
Beispiel: recht AND ordnung recht && ordnung
Ein Leerschlag zwischen zwei Suchwörtern wird als AND-Operator interpretiert.
OR, ||
Es werden alle Treffer angezeigt, die mindestens einen mit (OR, ||) verbundenen Suchbegriff enthalten.
Beispiel: recht OR ordnung  recht || ordnung
NOT, -
Es werden nur Treffer angezeigt, die den gewählten Suchbegriff mit vorangehendem Operator (NOT, -) NICHT enthalten.
Beispiel: recht NOT ordnung  recht - ordnung
Suchen Sie mit " ?  " nach verschiedenen Wörtern mit einem variablen Buchstaben an der Stelle des Fragezeichens.
Beispiel: w?rt  --> findet wert, wort, …
Der " * " vor einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die mit dieser Zeichenfolge enden; der " * " nach einer Zeichenfolge findet alle Wörter, die so beginnen.
Beispiel: *anwalt  --> findet Rechtsanwalt,  Staatsanwalt, …; Aktien* --> findet Aktienrechtsrevision, Aktiengesellschaft, …

Suchergebnisse für services d’investissement

10 Ergebnisse gefunden

Ihre Auswahl

La fin des rapports de travail du banquier : concurrence et bonus

The end of the banker’s working relationship is sometimes conflicting. The sticking points generally concern non-competition clauses and the payment of bonuses. The purpose of this article is to set out the rules applicable in this area in a way that both presents the legal principles and promotes practical solutions. In particular, the possibility of imposing a non-competition clause on the…

Pièges fiscaux du contrat de prêt

This contribution deals with the tax « traps » of the loan agreement. Loans are usually quite simple from a tax standpoint since they are neutral. Yet, the author examines three specific instances where things do not turn out so well. The first of which is the cancellation of ­indebtedness, which may result in taxable income ­(Article 16 par. 1 or Article 18 par. 1 Direct Federal Tax Law)…
Dr. iur. Fabien Liégeois LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2020 | S. 138

L’émission d’actions digitalisées comme moyen de financement de l’innovation et des PME

Switzerland is a world-leading nation in terms of entrepreneurship and promotion of innovation. Its universities produce a high number of start-ups. Its economy is based on a web of small and medium-sized companies, which make for the bulk of the country’s economic activity. Paradoxically though, the Swiss capital markets are relatively inefficient in channeling savings to companies. Only a…

La classification des clients selon la loi sur les services financiers

This article looks at the client categorisation system ­reflected in the new Swiss Federal Act on Financial ­Services. Firstly, it defines the notion of client classification before highlighting similar classification mechanisms already existing under the current law. The article goes on to detail the three categories of clients, namely private, professional and institutional, as well as the…

Propositions pour un trust suisse

New voices, including in Parliament, are now calling for the adoption of the trust as an institution of Swiss law. This would provide Swiss residents with a much-needed vehicle for estate planning and structuring. It would also improve the legal certainty and robustness of very common business transactions. Notably it would allow lawyers, notaries and other professionals to protect their clients’…
Prof. Dr. iur. Luc Thévenoz
SZW-RSDA 2/2018 | S. 99

Le régime de responsabilité civile en matière d’émissions publiques de jetons digitaux (ICO)

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) consist of an innovative form of capital raising. In the digital era, it has become technically possible to raise substantial funds within a very short period of time. This paper analyses the civil liability regime applying to misrepresentations communicated to investors acquiring tokens in an ICO. Pursuant to the prospectus liability provisions of the Swiss Code of…
Prof. Dr. iur. Aline Darbellay LL.M., Dr. iur. Michel José Reymond
SZW-RSDA 1/2018 | S. 48

Kundenvertrauen in Banken

Banking’s most important currency is customer trust. Two recent surveys show that customer trust is multifaceted and includes a foundational, an integrity-related, a practical and a strategic dimension. The strategic dimension is the most important, as it relates to the customers’ trust that the bank puts their needs and interests at the center of its activity. This contribution analyzes the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Susan Emmenegger LL.M., Thirza Döbeli Mlaw
SZW-RSDA 6/2017 | S. 752

La banque exposée aux prétentions de tiers : art. 402 CO et rétention ­d’actifs de clients

The so-called claw-back suits filed by the liquidators of Fairfield Sentry and other feeder funds involved in Bernard Madoff’s bankruptcy have prompted the defendant banks to secure their recourse against their clients by withholding money and other assets in their custody. This article analyses the legal basis for the retention of client assets under Swiss law. It concludes that, except when the…

Protection des données et nouvelles procédures de communication aux autorités fiscales et de surveillance étrangères

At a time when banking secrecy is shrinking, the lawmaker has decided to redefine the role of data protection in international cooperation procedures with regulatory and tax authorities. The law allows a supervised entity, typically a bank, to transmit confidential information to certain foreign authorities and organizations, but requires it to safeguard the rights of its clients and other third…
Prof. Dr. iur. Christian Bovet LL.M., Prof. Dr. iur. Alexandre Richa LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2017 | S. 144

Montesquieu en droit des sociétés anonymes : le principe de la parité constitue-t-il une distribution des pouvoirs bénéfiques ou plutôt un lit de Procuste ?

The current system of distribution of powers is governed by the “parity principle”, which provides that a defined number of powers are vested exclusively with the board of directors. The board is responsible for the accomplishment of these “inalienable” powers, the shareholders may not give any instructions or guidance to the board in this respect. The principle suffers only very few exceptions…