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Buchführungs- und Rechnungslegungsrecht

Risikoorientierung in der Wirtschaftsprüfung

The major objective of this article is to explain the risk assessment process used in an audit. First, the author looks at the various risks which are considered in the risk assessment of the financial audit as well as the regulatory audit required by the FINMA. The article further provides a general understanding of applicable standards and the responses needed by the auditor as a result of the…
Frank Schneider Executive MBA ZFH
SZW-RSDA 6/2016 | S. 568

Der Konzern im neuen Rechnungslegungsrecht

As of January 1st, 2016 the new Swiss financial reporting law is fully applicable to groups of companies, leading to a more thorough regulation of their reporting rules. This foremost brings fundamental changes with regard to the preparation of consolidated annual accounts. Basis thereof is, that the duty to provide such accounts is no longer tied to the requirement of «common management» …
Prof. Dr. iur. Lukas Glanzmann LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | S. 32

Stimmenmehrheit unter Verdacht: Wege und Irrwege im aktienrechtlichen Minderheitenschutz

Recent developments in the area of corporation law ­indicate a dichotomy between calls for more “shareholder democracy” and an increasing suspicion about “shareholders’ majority decisions”. Corporations have to date been governed following the model of “subjection of the minority to the majority”, with the steady approval of the courts. This guiding principle, which is at the core of a…

Was heisst «Internationale Standards»?

International standards have become more and more important with and also through the globalisation of the financial markets. In consequence, they are most important in corporate law and in particular in the field of financial reporting, i.e. IFRS or US GAAP. This is not only true for Switzerland, but also for the European Union. International standards are often enacted by a panel of experts…
em. Prof. Dr. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 6/2015 | S. 556

Internationales Standardsetting in der Wirtschaftsprüfung

The major objective of this article is to analyse the standard-setting process with respect to ordinary audits of consolidated and statutory financial statements. The article further provides an in-depth understanding of the various players who impact this field of standard setting. First, the process of setting auditing standards is looked at from a national and international perspective. The…
Frank Schneider Executive MBA ZFH
SZW-RSDA 6/2015 | S. 592

Der «aktuelle Liquiditätsplan» des Vorentwurfs – Ein neuer Fokus für Verwaltungsrat und Revisor in einer drohenden Finanznotlage

The current draft for a revised Corporation Law includes a complete overhaul of the provisions dealing with a financial crisis situation. So far, initiatives to be taken by the Board are triggered exclusively by a massive loss of equity (measured against share capital and legal reserves). The proposed law intends to focus the Board’s attention on liquidity problems and introduces a «liquidity…