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From the magazine SZW-RSDA 1/2020 | S. 35-42 The following page is 35

Bestimmung von Vertragskonditionen im Rahmen automatisierter Entscheidungen

Automated decision making has become increasingly popular in the context of contracting. Essential contractual conditions, in particular the price, are automatically determined based on a number of factors, a wealth of data and by the use of algorithms. Automated decision making for contractual terms raises a number of legal issues and questions, in particularly related to data protection, fair competition and price transparency, and ultimately non-discrimination. This article addresses these issues.

I. Einleitung

Der technische Fortschritt und die Digitalisierung sind allgegenwärtig. Immer häufiger werden Vertragskonditionen nicht mehr durch Menschen verhandelt, sondern durch einen Algorithmus automatisch festgelegt. Automat…
