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Internationales und ausländisches Recht

Internationale Standards in der schweizerischen Finanzmarktaufsicht

This article illustrates that a general commitment to internationally agreed standards in financial market regulation is in Switzerland’s best interest. It allows Switzerland to participate and shape decisions in standard-setting fora, thus fostering global financial stability and ensuring a level playing field for all players. Compliance with key standards is also a precondition for defending…

Verfassungsrechtliche Erwägungen zu Informationsverboten der Finanz­marktaufsicht

Im Zusammenhang mit dem grenzüberschreitenden US-Kundengeschäft der Bank Frey & Co. AG (Bank Frey)1 erliess die FINMA am 30. August 2013 eine ­Verfügung, die unter anderem die folgenden Ziffern enthielt:
Martin Monsch MLaw, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 6/2015 | S. 651

La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (Convention EDH) et les sociétés commerciales

It seems surprising, even paradoxical, that internatio­nal instruments protecting human rights such as the European Convention on Human rights (ECHR) also apply to trading companies. They are intended to protect human beings, not to legal persons, a legal fiction. Nevertheless, the Universal Declaration of Human rights, for instance, and the European Convention itself proclaim rights that are not…

Standing and Passing-on in the New EU Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions

This article critically evaluates private enforcement of the competition rules in Switzerland and compares them to recent developments at EU level, particularly regarding indirect purchaser standing and the passing-on defence. The article addresses the question of whether, and under what conditions, the new EU Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions, along with the Recommendation on Common…

Der kartellrechtliche Blick über die Grenze

Since the revisions to the Swiss antitrust law in 1995 and 2004, the law is now very similar in structure to the laws of the EU and the EU member states. It is therefore very probable that ideas stemming from the EU enter Swiss legislation and court cases, but there are also some ideas of improvement of Swiss laws that could be interesting for the legislation of the EU or even in its court…
Dr. iur. Herbert Wohlmann
SZW-RSDA 1/2015 | S. 31

Rahmenvereinbarungen im öffentlichen Beschaffungsrecht

The buying activity of the public purchaser has highly changed in the recent years due to the globalization of the markets. Given the economic and technical possibilities and for an efficient embodiment of the acqui­sition process the Framework Agreement (Rahmen­vereinbarung) finds wide application within public procurement. On the other hand these Framework Agreements must not cause any…
Beatrice Rohner MLaw, Dr. iur. Salim Rizvi LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2015 | S. 36


Über die Vorarbeiten für dieses Abkommen hatte die SZW bereits berichtet (vgl. SZW 3/2013, S. 232). Dieses Abkommen ist nun am 1. Dezember 2014 in Kraft getreten. Das Abkommen ermöglicht den Wettbewerbsbehörden der EU und der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, auch Beweise auszutauschen, die die jeweiligen Behörden im Rahmen ihrer Wettbewerbsverfahren erlangt haben. Diese Möglichkeiten sind…
Prof. Dr. iur. Thomas Lübbig, Miriam le Bell LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2015 | S. 50

Europäisches Wett­bewerbs­recht

Gut zehn Jahre nach der ersten Auflage liegt der Gross­kommentar zum europäischen Wettbewerbsrecht, der von Helmuth Schröter, Jakob Thinam, Robert Klotz und Wolfgang Mederer herausgegeben wird, nunmehr in zweiter erweiterter und aktualisierter Auflage vor. Seit der ersten Auflage hat sich das europäische Wett­bewerbsrecht in seiner Anwendung grundlegend ­gewandelt und unterlag einer weitreichenden…
Prof. Dr. iur. Claudia Seitz M.A.
SZW-RSDA 1/2015 | S. 72

Towards Automatic Exchange of Information

This article describes the various steps that led towards automatic exchange of information as the global standard and the issues that remain to be solved. First, the various competing models of exchange information, such as Double Tax Treaty (DTT), TIEA’s, FATCA or UE Directives are described with a view to show how they interact between themselves. Second, the so-called Rubik Strategy is…
Prof. Dr. iur. Xavier Oberson
SZW-RSDA 2/2015 | S. 91

La législation britannique contre la corruption : application du Bribery Act aux personnes suisses

The UK Bribery Act is an ambitious legislative initiative and the centerpiece of the British legal framework against corruption. In addition to the classic criminal offences (active and passive bribery, corruption in the public and in the private sector), the Bribery Act introduces a remarkable form of criminal liability for legal persons. The new corporate offence and the extraterritorial reach…