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Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht

Haftung für automatisierte Entscheidungen – Herausforderungen in der Praxis

It is now technically possible for decisions to be made by autonomous means without any human involvement. The ability of automated decision making systems to act increasingly autonomously poses new challenges to the current legal framework. For example, in addition to contractual and non-contractual liability bases, proposals are being made for liability under the Swiss Product Liability Act or…
Clara-Ann Gordon LL.M., Tanja Lutz MLaw, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2020 | S. 53

Konzernverantwortungsinitiative: Was ändert sich bei einem JA?

The highly debated Swiss Responsible Business Initiative will be put to public vote in November 2020. If the electorate supports the position of the Initiative, a provision titled «Responsibility of Businesses» will be introduced into the Swiss Constitution. According to this provision companies seated in Switzerland would be required to respect internationally recognized human rights and…
Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Yeşim M. Atamer LL.M., Florian Willi MLaw, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2020 | S. 435

Entreprises et droits humains – La directive européenne sur la publication d’informations non financières, un modèle à suivre en droit suisse?

Since 2014, a European Union directive requires large companies to publish non-financial information relating to human rights and other issues such as social and environmental challenges. Taking up a…

Relativierung der Regressordnung nach Art. 51 Abs. 2 OR

Die Arbeitgeberin des Geschädigten war damit beauftragt, Kanalisationsleitungen und Schächte in einer Hauptstrasse zu sanieren und abzudichten. Während der Arbeiten im Abwasserkontrollschacht erlitt der Geschädigte am 8. September 2004 Verbrennungen am Oberkörper, als sich an einer von ihm gerauchten Zigarette im Schacht befindliches Gas entzündete. Die Brandverletzungen heilten in der Folge gut…
Thomas Grob Mlaw, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 1/2019 | S. 83

Sharing Economy: Zur sozialversicherungsrechtlichen Beurteilung von ­Plattform-Beschäftigten

Driven by digitalisation and the Sharing Economy, the way in which work is performed is changing. Platforms that provide work or carry it out themselves are becoming increasingly important, as are the associated unresolved legal issues. From the perspective of social security law, the question arises as to whether platform workers are self-employed or employed by platforms. Since all platforms…

Betrugsversuche im Zahlungsverkehr im digitalen Zeitalter

Money transfers have always been the target of fraudsters. For decades Swiss banks limited liability in their contracts with clients to intent and gross negligence. The Federal Supreme Court, however, often denied applying this broad liability exclusion. Today, banks usually commit themselves to verify the identification of the client with customary due diligence but also request from the client…
Dr. iur. Peter Reichart LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 4/2019 | S. 392

Selbstlernende Fahrzeuge – eine Haftungsanalyse

This article deals with legal issues concerning automated vehicles equipped with the power to learn. Specifically, questions of liability are to be addressed; firstly, liability for accidents involving automated vehicles and secondly, liability for deficient, automated vehicles under product liability law. The main goal of this article is to explore the impact of the automated vehicle’s learning…
Prof. Dr. Melinda F. Lohmann, Prof. Dr. Markus Müller-Chen
SZW-RSDA 1/2017 | S. 48

Das Gesellschaftsrecht 2016/2017 / Le droit des sociétés 2016/2017

Im vergangenen Jahr stachen neben dem Fall Sika vor allem eine Reihe von Urteilen zum Verantwortlichkeitsrecht ins Auge. Diese bestätigen einerseits die klärende neuere Rechtsprechung zur Business Judgment Rule. Anderseits aber liegen eine Reihe von Urteilen zum Schadensnachweis in Verantwortlichkeitsprozessen vor, in welchen das Bundesgericht die Latte so hoch anlegt, dass es in Zukunft…
Prof. Dr. iur. Walter A. Stoffel LL.M., Arnaud Constantin MLaw
SZW-RSDA 3/2017 | S. 359

Risikobegriff in der Ökonomie und im Recht

Risks need to be recorded, measured and monitored. The story of risk has its roots in the calculation of likelihood and is closely connected to the insurance business. Shortly thereafter, regulation was added in. Nevertheless, the market economy system is based on risks and opportunities. It follows that the concept of risk in economics is largely quantitative and focussed on likelihood. In…
Prof. Dr. rer. publ. Peter Nobel
SZW-RSDA 6/2016 | S. 551