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Konzernorganisationsrecht 2.0

The premise of this article is that the law of corporate groups is, in essence, business organisation law. The departure point is the observation that the function of the corporate group relates primarily to the overcoming of entrepreneurial problems that economic globalisation has brought, and continues to bring, forth. In order to do justice to this economic reality, the law must provide the…
Prof. Dr. Marc Amstutz
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | S. 2

Rechtsvergleichende Überlegungen zur Business Judgment Rule

The famous business judgment rule (BJR) that emerged in the US in the early nineteenth century, has been adopted in recent years, in one form or another, by several jurisdictions in Europe. This article provides a comparative analysis of the different models of the BJR and its basic elements and rationales in the US, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The article outlines how the…
Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. rer. pol. h.c Carl Baudenbacher, Mag. iur. Lisa Schwarz
SZW-RSDA 1/2016 | S. 55

Durchsetzungsordnung für Verantwortlichkeitsansprüche im Konkurs

Die SAirGroup in Nachlassliquidation (Klägerin) reichte am 27. Juni 2012 beim Handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich eine Klage aus aktienrechtlicher ­Verantwortlichkeit gegen verschiedene ehemalige Organe der SAirGroup ein. Sie machte darin geltend, dass die SAirGroup in den letzten Wochen vor dem am 4. Oktober 2001 eingereichten Gesuch um Nachlassstundung noch verschiedene Zahlungen an Dritte…
lic. iur. Olivier Baum, Prof. Dr. iur. Hans Caspar von der Crone LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 2/2016 | S. 232

Business Judgment Rule und Rechtsrisiken

Legal risks are currently the most dangerous threat for global corporations. This article analyses the question whether the Swiss Business Judgment Rule (BJR) may also provide a “safe harbour” for decisions based on legal uncertainties. This may look surprising, since corporations are bound to comply with the legal environment in which they are operating, therefore illegal behaviour should not be…
Dr. iur. Frank Gerhard LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2016 | S. 254

Les sanctions en matière d’obligation d’annonce des actionnaires (art. 697m CO)

The Federal Act of 12 December 2014 on the implementation of the revised recommendations 2012 of the ­Financial Action Task Force introduced in the Code of Obligations new provisions on transparency in force since 1st of July 2015. Since that date, holders or ­purchasers of bearer shares and the beneficial owner of shares are bound by an obligation to report to the ­company (articles 697i and …

Zusicherungen und Garantien zugunsten von Investoren im Rahmen einer Finanzierungsrunde

Before committing to provide additional funds to a target company, investors will typically seek to secure their investment with appropriate representations and warranties. In order to do so, the investors may rely on various stakeholders and, among other options, request that appropriate representations and warranties be provided by the target company itself. This article addresses the statutory…
Prof. Dr. iur. Edgar Philippin, Nicolas Loepfe MLaw, LL.M.
SZW-RSDA 3/2016 | S. 295

Le droit des sociétés 2015 / Das Gesellschaftsrecht 2015

Dans la période écoulée, plus longue que d’habitude,1 le Tribunal fédéral a rendu la première décision publiée en application de l’art. 678 al. 2 CO concernant la restitution des « autres » prestations indues (1.). Il a en outre confirmé sa jurisprudence en matière de responsabilité d’organe mais modifié de fait sa prati­que par rapport à la différence entre dommage direct et…
Prof. Dr. iur. Walter A. Stoffel LL.M., Arnaud Constantin MLaw
SZW-RSDA 3/2016 | S. 322

Assainissements dans le cadre d’un sursis concordataire ­(assainissements-sursis)

Although the Parliament has declined, a bit by accident, the proposal of the Federal Council to get rid of the provisions on the adjournment of bankruptcy (725a CO), it is again proposed deleting them in the context of the contemplated revision of corporate law. The question therefore is why, despite the revision aiming to facilitate restructuring (art. 293 ss LP), companies apparently continue…

Die Praxis der Übernahmekommission im Jahr 2015

Im Jahr 2015 verlief der Übernahmemarkt in ruhigen Bahnen, zumindest was die Anzahl öffentlicher Übernahmeangebote betraf. Lediglich zwei Übernahmeange­bote lagen der Übernahmekommission zur Prüfung vor: Das Pflichtangebot auf die Aktien der Sulzer AG sowie das freiwillige Angebot auf die Titel der Micronas Semi­conductor Holding AG. Ungeachtet dessen verzeichnete das Jahr 2015 einen kräftigen…
Dr. iur. Georg Gotschev, lic. oec., lic. iur. Marc D. Nagel
SZW-RSDA 4/2016 | S. 407